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Which TMS program do I try?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by DianeRadvanski, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. DianeRadvanski

    DianeRadvanski New Member

    Hi all. I see that there are a couple of TMS programs to try. I can't imagine there being any wrong ones...also the TMS doc I am seeing stated that we should get back to doing things we did before the pain. He said gradual and when we r ready which I like because I learned the hard way by combing my hair and accidentally hitting my scalp ---- something I couldnt do for 16 months now and then it felt like all the nerve endings on my scalp were burning and raw. Wound up with a 3 day flare up. I still cannot manage the intense flare ups 5 days a week.

    Is this the general way for TMS folks to approach things - gradually? Like my doc said try walking a block rathER than 4 miles like I used to do. Thanks! Appreciate any input!!

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