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weird pelvic symptoms

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by kimaya, Jun 2, 2018.

  1. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Well I still have alittle flow issue but it's not as bad and some dribbling after he said my urethra is naturally just narrow and said my prostate is fine.
  2. kimaya

    kimaya Peer Supporter

    I can totally relate to you for me the worst part isn’t the symptoms it’s the fear of symptoms and the obsession of them
    No matter how hard i try it’s always back of mind things like what if it never gets better , what if it goes worse what if’s bla bal iam reading claire weeks it’s helping a little .
    I think if i could just let go of the fear things would resolve but it’s the hardest thing to let go of :(

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