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Understanding the Irony of TMS

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by annarowens, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. annarowens

    annarowens Peer Supporter

    So... I just watched the video blog on not overworking the program. I am having a bit of a problem wrapping my head around how we are supposed to not be preoccupied with TMS, and at the same time "be disciplined" bc "our pain doesn't take a day off so neither can we" as stated in the Breaking the Pain Cycle essay. The not being preoccupied with working too hard at "fixing" TMS seems to be in direct contradiction to the idea that we must be disciplined with our keeping our minds off TMS. Its almost as if we are being asked to be disciplined in not being preoccupied, and in order to do that, we must not be preoccupied, which takes discipline. Its a circle that makes no sense to me. Its like which came first the chicken or the egg. Can someone please explain how we can be both disciplined to not be preoccupied with TMS and at the same time not be disciplined because discipline encourages preoccupation?

    IrishSceptic likes this.
  2. balto

    balto Beloved Grand Eagle

    Try to be discipline with not being occupied with tms.
    The goal is not fear your symptoms, not letting it affect how you live your life. Focus on having fun and enjoy life as if you're are healthy.
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, annaowens. I like Balto's reply to your dilemma. I think it's best not to spend much time thinking about any pain, but go on and find ways to enjoy the day. And to be positive that you are going to be free of pain soon. My mantra is; "The best is yet to come!"
  4. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Can we watch our pre-occupation, and not get get caught in it?
    Can we notice our pre-occupation, and move our attention elsewhere?

    These are practices that take discipline. Steadfastness is another good word for this. Steadfast in sticking to our view, not getting pulled back into patterns that feed TMS, including trying to make it go away all the time.
  5. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great responses above.

    I would just add that I think a need to see things one way or the other is part of the TMS personality. It's a tendency toward black or white thinking. But life is full of shades of gray and things kind of circling back upon themselves. Being able to be comfortable with that is part of the recovery process.

    Recovery requires a shift of our attention away from the body and our symptoms. Making this shift takes practice, discipline, and perseverance.
  6. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is a subtle, but important thing to keep in mind. All personalities want solid ground. The "TMS'er" seems to have a greater need for solid ground. So we are more "black and white" thinkers. I see myself as a One on the Enneagram. This "black or white" is the thinking of a One. Then you add the anxiety around stopping pain, and you really want solid ground!

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