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Two Month Anniversary :(

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by LauriK, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. LauriK

    LauriK Peer Supporter

    Today marks two months since this sciatica started. Two months since I've mostly lived in this bed. Two months of continuous pain. Two months of my life lost. I'm doing the educational programme and reading books but I don't seem to make any progress. I read Nicole's book the other day and I realise I can't quite get to journalspeak with my journalling so nothing is happening. Trying to be positive, trying to ignore my pain, trying to see it for what it is, but I'm starting to think it's going to beat me. If there is a light in this tunnel it is very dim today. Not a good day.
  2. gailnyc

    gailnyc Well known member

    LauriK, don't give up! Keep reading and doing the SEP and eventually something you try will work for you. Maybe journaling isn't for you--it isn't for everyone. You might find other ideas over on tmshelp.com. Also, you should read Back2-It's recent success story here--very inspirational, and it took him a long time to heal.
  3. LauriK

    LauriK Peer Supporter

    Thanks Gailnyc. Yesterday was better in that I saw the orthopaedic doctors and they've confirmed the place where my pain is in my hip and leg can't corespond to where my disc is prolapsed and they could find nothing in my hip that could be causing the pain. For me this is more evidence that it's TMS. Now to find the way to breakthrough to those issues in my subconscious.
    gailnyc likes this.
  4. Calum

    Calum Well known member

    Hi Laurik,
    Great news that they have confirmed that your disc prolapse can not possibly be causing your pain! :) I'm glad that you can accept that TMS is the culprit, it took me over a year to take TMS seriously and now although I'm still battling the pain every day I fear it less, I wish I had started thinking it was real sooner. Something I have been working with is positive self talk. Instead of telling yourself there is nothing wrong with your body try telling yourself that your body is fit and well, that your back is wonderfully strong and epically enduring. This worked for me whilst out hiking the other weekend, the usual back twinges did not occur, now I just need to apply it to the RSI pain. Maybe this could work for you too!:)
    LauriK likes this.
  5. LauriK

    LauriK Peer Supporter

    Hi Calum! I'm trying to implement your affirmations for sitting. Right now I can't sit for more than a few seconds without pain. I'm forcing myself to sit while using affirmations. What do you think the best one would be? Sitting is pain free? I have no problem when I sit? Trying not to anticipate the pain but it becomes pretty intense. I sit for slow count to 100.
  6. Sheree

    Sheree Well known member

    I would also suggest that you read Back2-it's recovery story. In it he mentions Ace' s keys to healing. I have now printed this off, so that I can re-read it. I find I need to constantly remind myself of the best things I should be doing to recover.
  7. Sheree

    Sheree Well known member

    Also LauriK, you may find a recent posting of Dr. Schubiner's new video helpful. I certainly did.
  8. LauriK

    LauriK Peer Supporter

    Where is that Back2? Also where can I find the video? There are so many nooks and crannies on this site.
  9. Sheree

    Sheree Well known member

    Click on members tab at the top of the page. Back2it is listed on the 2rd page. If you click on him it will take you to his posts. The video, at this moment in time is 5th on the recent postings page.
    LauriK likes this.
  10. LauriK

    LauriK Peer Supporter

    Thanks Sheree!
  11. Calum

    Calum Well known member

    Hi Laurik, what I have been trying is telling myself that: "my body is fit and well" My back is wonderfully strong, awesomely powerful, and endlessly enduring" and repeat using words like amazing and awesome as well. Its not yet worked with the wrist pain, but has sometimes worked with my back pain which I consider my secondary symptom. Good luck I really hope it helps!

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