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TMS therapist

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Mary80, Apr 20, 2018.

  1. Mary80

    Mary80 Peer Supporter

    Does anyone know if you can contact a TMS therapist here on the site? in the "ask a TMS therapist" posts are very old and I tried to write there but I did not get any answers.
  2. Apachegeorge

    Apachegeorge New Member

  3. Apachegeorge

    Apachegeorge New Member

    It might
  4. Apachegeorge

    Apachegeorge New Member

    Oops.. 'CONT. ...check the "Home Page." Then scroll down a bit, OK?
  5. Mary80

    Mary80 Peer Supporter

    I wrote in the section and no therapist answered..so I wondered if the section is still active
  6. Timbercat

    Timbercat Well known member

  7. Timbercat

    Timbercat Well known member

    I think I tried that as well and did not get a response. I assumed they must get a lot of questions and cannot reply to all. You may already know that you can have one on one skype sessions with a Pain Psychology Center therapist. I have been doing this for about 6 months with one of their interns. The interns charge a reduced rate of $65/50 minutes. Unfortunately the internships have ended for the year and won't resume until the fall. Hope that might be helpful.
  8. Mary80

    Mary80 Peer Supporter

    I go to a psychotherapist but I have some questions about how to deal with pain and I need a coach. I hoped to have some information directly here on the site, because I try to work on myself and my pain. I need to know what to do and how when I'm alone, vulvodynia does not go away, but some symptoms are going away ( maybe because I do not care about them), so I thought maybe a help by expert for my pelvic pain can be helpful. I am destroyed by vulvodynia and I care and I can not handle the problem myself .. I do not care if I have dizziness.. pass sooner or later, but the vulvodynia is difficult for me to overcome..and I thought that a little bit of discipline from an expert could help me .
  9. Timbercat

    Timbercat Well known member

  10. Timbercat

    Timbercat Well known member

    I can feel the desperation in your post. I do not know much about vulvodynia but I know exactly what you mean by being destroyed by symptoms and needing help to manage when alone. Hopefully others on the forum will respond with some help for you. Hope things improve for you soon.
  11. Mary80

    Mary80 Peer Supporter

    Yes, sometimes it's really hard and sometimes I try not to think about how hard it is. I think I feel better because other symptoms worried me a lot less are going away. . and it's funny because I'm doing a lot of work because I would like to go away the vulvodynia and with all the others I could live with. It's really senseless. So I think there's something I have not understood yet and that is keeping vulvodynia alive.:bored:
    I just want to say that I am no longer obsessed with symptoms and I do not work on myself thinking about outcome and I do not hope to heal fast.. I am a patient person but I really think I did not understand something if this problem is the only one that did not show a change. I want to be honest I thought it's still there because I'm very scared of having sex in these conditions. Maybe I should be able to overcome this fear but I've never done it alone.
    Thank you.

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