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TMS Practitioner help with MR

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Elalba, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. Elalba

    Elalba New Member

    Hello everyone,

    I would like to find a TMS MD, preferably an orthopedist, who would be willing to look at the imaging of the MR of my knee. The imaging found a rupture in the lateral meniscus and a meniscus cyst.

    I am 99% sure it's TMS as the pain changed as soon as I got the MR and I am the textbook type T, having a myriad of other symptoms as well. However, I just cannot get to that 100% certainty without hearing it from someone. I've already been told by one orthopedist that it's a minor tear and that it's fine but he was kind of a unpleasant person so my brain willingly jumped on the opportunity to doubt his opinion...

    It would have to be online because I am from Croatia. Quite desperate to get my life back and start doing sports again and living my life since this pain debilitated me completely at 28 years-old and won't let go 3 years in.

    I've started counseling as well, doing all the work, started gym again, but it's exceptionally hard to not think of the tear and how I could be making it worse. I don't need to be talked about TMS just to discuss the MR findings with someone who works with TMS.

    Does anyone have any recommendations or know how I could find a practitioner to help me with this?

    Thank you
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

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