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TMS and Working

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by JoshB, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. JoshB

    JoshB New Member

    Hi all,

    Havent posted much on the forums although this website has been crucial to getting me to were I am today. Although it was a struggle I finished my final year at College. My "symptom" is one that moves around to various areas in my back. Although I would say I am about 50% healed, there is still work that needs to be done. It was a slow process got back into the gym and back to doing things I loved.

    Just recently I finished my work placement, a 9-5 office job. I never thought I would be able to do that months ago so that in itself is an accomplishment. Unfortunately ( or fortunate for me as the working conditions where not the best) it did not lead into a job. This was related to my field of study that I just finished at college which was construction management technology. Coupled with that I have a business degree that I received at university prior to attending college.

    I am now trying to create an action plan in my process to obtain a new job. I was looking for some advice from other TMS'er out there. On paper I look great and could get hired on to a high responsibility position, although I don't think that that is necessarily right for me at this point in time. The office environment that I just finished working at didn't really enforce the breaks. I know here in Canada there is supposed to be 15 in the morning, half hour lunch, and 15 minutes in the afternoon. I think for me being a tms'er if I don't get that I would get drained very easily.

    That being said if I want to live a somewhat normal life, the most I could work would be the 40 hr work week for the time being. I was thinking of going to go see the doctor just to have it documented and maybe let me next employer know. ( Assure I get breaks as well as other accommodation I may need). I never wanted to go that route, even as I heal I think its important to accept yourself 100% as you are in this present moment. As it stands I currently still struggle with symptoms and therefore may need mild accommodation. I guess my real question is how to approach the TMS in the workplace situation?

    If the construction job doesn't pan out I could always go the less stressful route in the government. But that will just be a backup plan
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Why would that be the case? Being a tms'er means that you do not have a structural problem preventing you from doing normal activity. Skipping breaks is not the cause of your symptoms, repressed emotions are. Receiving mild accommodations may help, but they could also keep you thinking that you cannot do something. I received accommodations myself, and, to be perfectly honest, all they did was reinforce the idea that I was damaged. As long as you think you need accommodations, you will. If you don't believe you need accommodations, you won't.
  3. MarkV

    MarkV New Member

    Forest is absolutely right on as overcoming FEAR in our everyday routine is one of the biggest challenges. Because we felt physical symptoms (due to a psychological disorder) at work, gym, etc, returning to that place and fighting thru the process can be difficult based on our fears and prior experience. The big breakthru will come when you stay mentally focused on the principles of TMS and then once you have a good day -without accommodations, then you can ask yourself, "if I was physically damaged, how could I just survive the day without the normal pain?" This all validates TMS and gives you confidence to build on that for the next day (this method is working for me in my gym workouts.
    Best of luck,
  4. Dear Lianne

    Dear Lianne Peer Supporter

    I applied my handwriting analysis skill into how you typed out your message above - the central thought in your mind when you wrote the papagraph above was that you "still struggle" with TMS pain. So, in light of what Forest and Mark wrote - to which I would agree - is there a symptom that you are struggling with that would necessitate a "break" in order to meet 8 hour work objectives? Construction management is usually an office job, but are you also doing any field work? I ask because I wonder if there is a physical component to the work you perform. Further, I don't have a frame of reference to Canadian employers but would they frown about needing 15 minutes every so many hours? My first thought is that you should earn a master's degree in Construction Management so that you will increase your flexibility regarding hours spent working. Be your own consultant or something using the Internet. Just a few thoughts...

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