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The TMS Puzzle

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Livvygurl, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Livvygurl

    Livvygurl Well known member

    Piecing together the TMS puzzle is a lot of work. Working with the unconscious is probably something I was born to do – I like mystery. Tonight I took a break from my habitual TMS reading binge and actually followed one of my interests. I love art. So, after work I headed over to The Seattle Art Museum to see the Australian Aboriginal Art Exhibit. It felt exciting to do something out of my routine and I realized once again, that art evokes emotion. I saw some sculptures that made me think of my childhood, and I was able to reflect in a new way about an old concept that I thought had completely crystallized. It shed a new light on my experiences which along with journaling, added depth to my thinking. Walking home I noticed some negative chatter in my mind and I visualized the thought leaving me as I took a breath out. I have been learning more about patience, compassion, and knowing myself. I guess this journey is a unique road to travel for each one of us :cool:
    veronica73 and Susan like this.
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Once we are open to exploring our emotions, we become much more receptive to emotion evoking activities. Art, movies, music are all things that, if we are open and allowing, will help us gain so many insights into who we are and what emotional (past or present) factors contribute to our TMS.

    It is so great to hear that you are enjoying the things you love. That was probably the single most important factor in my own recovery. Getting out and living my life again made me not only extremely happy, but also gave me so much confidence that I no longer had to limit myself. I really enjoy seeing the progress you are making.:cool:
    Livvygurl likes this.
  3. Livvygurl

    Livvygurl Well known member

    I just had an interesting experience. I was doing breathing exercises and I also finished SteveO's book!! Anyhow I did a few light stretches and then took a nap. So the nap was really deep, I think, because of the breathing (*recommended by SteveO). So I woke up rolled over on my side, heard a pop sound, and ouch I felt pain and it wasn't pretty. I tried to ignore it and then I had an emotional flash of why the pain was there. It was like a billboard advertisement in my mind from my shadow side. I cried for about a minute when I got the message, it was about an emotional imbalance from the past and then I became out of touch with the messenger – they faded away. I wanted to face the issue (strike while the iron is hot) so I did, "talk out loud journaling". Sat at my favorite table and just talked out loud about my experience of being a kid with my smothering mother. This session lasted for a while and I felt the ending occur as a natural part of the process. I stood up and the hip pain was gone! This is cool...


    Livvy ~

    * Breathing The Master Key to Self-Healing by Andrew Weil. (I downloaded the MP3 from the library!)
    veronica73 likes this.
  4. veronica73

    veronica73 Well known member

    Great stuff, Livvy!
  5. Peter Zafirides

    Peter Zafirides Physician


    What a great post! I think the more we allow ourselves to be in the moment, the more we really see how being in the moment can be so healing. Taking the time to do something that brought you pleasure is so healthy because - beyond the literal enjoyment of the moment - we subtly remind ourselves that we are capable of taking control and directing our life. This can be so very powerful.

    Keep taking that time to just BE - and never doubt your true strength.


    Dr. Z
    Forest and Livvygurl like this.
  6. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is definetely one of the main reasons I was able to recover. I am not even sure if I consciously practiced what would be called mindfulness. I just started doing the activities I loved to do. I really felt like I was finally taking control of my life, and was no longer (thanks to accepting the diagnosis) afraid of hurting myself or obsessed over my symptoms.

    Chronic pain prevents you from taking the time to just Be. You have this pain that demands your attention, drains your energy, and makes you constantly worry about your health. When you understand that all of this is just TMS distracting you from your repressed emotions you can begin to reverse these thoughts and, as Dr. Zafirides said, just BE. If you can get this point, where you allow everything, you will recover.
    Susan and Livvygurl like this.

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