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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Eric "Herbie" Watson, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle


    ALAN’S COMMENT:  Before I learned the Recovery Method, I felt insecure and was plagued with an overactive imagination.  I felt a sense of danger when I had a panic attack.  My symptoms included racing thoughts and sweating.  At times, I questioned my stability.  I imagined the worst possible outcome when I looked into the future.  When I described my symptoms, I used temperamental language to inflame my emotions.     
    Then I learned that "symptoms are distressing but not dangerous."  Blushing and perspiration are anxiety symptoms that do not harm me.  Distressing sensations did not permanently damage me.  By embracing security, I learned to "take the danger out of my symptoms." Someone at a Recovery meeting said that no one ever died from a nervous symptom. This is probably true but the idea is sometimes forgotten when it is needed most. You can take the danger out of your symptoms by embracing security.  In using the tool, you are replacing thoughts of danger with thoughts of safety to control imagination.

    Abraham Low- Self help for fear and anger


    * This is one of the Tools- You can take the danger out of your symptoms by embracing security.

    A common insecure feeling is that a recurring worry won’t end. The secure thought is that symptoms have a limited duration

    Jamal said)- Distressing sensations did not permanently damage me. By embracing security, I learned to "take the danger out of my symptoms.

    In using the tool, you are replacing thoughts of danger with thoughts of safety to control imagination.

    Abraham Low- Self Help for Fear and Anger

    Eric)- I want to say that these symptoms which are often trivialities come in the form of doubt , anxiety and pain and are often habitual in nature. They have to be reprogrammed over time so don't think this is an instant change. It does take work focusing on the Security and choosing the better thought patterns for your health. Less you understand and you can change rather quicker, in any situation it still takes time to recondition to our wayward thought patterns but with security thinking like what's the better outcome like acceptance its been proven time and time again we will always come out stronger and cured of any symptom in time.
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    A hypnotist I watch on a dvd says we should envision a white light of warmth and peace surrounding our entire body from head to toe.
    I've envisioned that and like the calm, secure feeling it gives. I imagine the white light is Jesus in the spirit, comforting me because he said "I will always be with you."
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    That's powerful Walt, I see that Daily in my mind.
    The peace of Christ.
    I should say temperamental language in the thread above is
    words that get you tensed. For example , you hear someone say
    I know that going to hurt all the time well that's an excitement word
    that causes tension. We need Know the power of our own words ya know.

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