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Stress Illness

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Harzee, Feb 2, 2019.

  1. Harzee

    Harzee Peer Supporter

    I am wondering if anyone have seen stress illness present itself as burning, itchy, crawly, prickly, stinging, biting, cold, hot, a cold wet feeling, a hot steam feeling, pinching, stabbing, electric zap or shock, nerve pain, tickling, numbness, pins and needles, wire brushed feeling, tingling, carpet burn feeling, or other skin sensations? @Alan Gordon LCSW @FredAmir
    Balsa11 likes this.
  2. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    Balsa11 and Gusto like this.
  3. Snowman

    Snowman Peer Supporter

    Yes I have. I used to get the burn skin feeling all over my back. I also get the wet cold sensation on my right top thigh some days. Calf pain with twitching and feeling crawling in there. Can be a form of fibromyalgia. Which we know here is tms.
    I had some blood taken for private testing in Germany. And results show low CD57. Low iron and also b12.
    B12 deficiency can cause symptoms you describe . Have a blood test just to rule things out and use tools here to help.
    Balsa11 likes this.
  4. miquelb3

    miquelb3 Well known member

    Conscious estress is not the main issue.
    The ultimate problem is our involuntary/authomatic reaction to that stress: fear, guilt, rage, shame, guilt about that rage, anger,....
    In order to preserve our self-image we repress all those «negative», unbearable, menacing feelings/emotions..... and pain (and other related conditions) is the perfect «distraction» for keeping our awareness away from the existence of such «dangerous» feelings ...as well as the feasible unsocial or criminal behaviour derivated of those emotions.
    Hope that helps!
  5. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Been dealing with the same Tms issues for 9 yrs with no resolve
  6. Harzee

    Harzee Peer Supporter

  7. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    Harzee, didn’t you already have some tests done and weren’t you given the clear by your doctors?
  8. Harzee

    Harzee Peer Supporter

    Yes! But then someone said the Gold Standard Test is a skin biopsy for SFN.
  9. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    You know, I went to one of the top hospitals in the world and they were satisfied with my sweat and heart rate testing. Skin biopsies aren’t necessarily perfect. The hospital didn’t even want to perform biopsies. Neither did three other medical establishments. I thought the same thing as you about it being the gold standard, but then I got the biopsies done and remembered that small fiber neuropathy can be patchy (this is one of the benefits of the sweat test - it looks at a much larger region). I thought I needed more biopsies! It was never enough. You can keep getting more and more tests, but until you address the real issue (your severe health anxiety), it’s not going to help. You’re just going to find more reasons why you think you have neuropathy and want more tests. I’ve been there.

    Your doctors gave you the medical clear. The tests you had done are effective in diagnosing neuropathy, and your results were negative. You need to accept the diagnosis.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2019
    Balsa11, BinLA and JanAtheCPA like this.
  10. Gusto

    Gusto Peer Supporter

    Harzee . You don't have sfn. You have an overly stimulated nervous system as per caufield.
    JanAtheCPA and Dorado like this.
  11. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    I’m with Gusto on this one, Harzee. Even your doctors are saying this. I could’ve saved myself the permanent biopsy scars on my foot and ankle and just listened to the four different hospitals saying my other tests were conclusive. I didn’t have SFN, and neither do you. Our doctors are right on this one, OK? :)
    Balsa11, JanAtheCPA and Gusto like this.
  12. Harzee

    Harzee Peer Supporter

    Thank you and @Gusto
    Dorado likes this.
  13. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    I am concerned that you need to start really accepting and believing in the diagnosis, Harzee. I’ve told you how I did this. We are always here to support you on these forums, but we cannot make you believe in yourself. I do recommend continuing to work with your therapist. And please stay off the neuropathy forums and websites - talking to people or reading information posted by people discussing nerve biopsies you just don’t need isn’t going to help you. You need to commit to working on your health anxiety with your therapist. This will break the pattern of you needing frequent reassurance. I’m fantastic at repeating myself (my friends and family know this all too well :)), but I am worried that it’s not helping you become indepedent and work on your health anxiety.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
  14. Harzee

    Harzee Peer Supporter

    Thank you.
  15. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    My dr said these test have a high inaccuracies rate
    Balsa11 likes this.
  16. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    The skin biopsy is tricky because small fiber neuropathy can be patchy, so people who tend to be paranoid like myself think we need more and more biopsies until they just find the neuropathy.

    The sweat test is pretty good because it checks a much larger region of your nerves. It's pretty awesome. I had one of the top ranking hospitals in the world confirm this for me, as well as a few other great places (including one of the top medical universities in the country). Truly, I've seen the best of the best, and this is what they've all told me: the results are conclusive. Harzee, you have nothing to fear. Your tests were conclusive and there is no neuropathy.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
  17. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Thx for the info...burning pain is a terrible feeling
    Balsa11 likes this.
  18. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Boston Redsox, I know the feeling. But it's critical that you don't fear the symptoms or obsess over them.
    Balsa11 likes this.
  19. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I know and I am getting better going to see a ISDT therpist to see if I can get to this hidden feelings that I just can’t seem to feel or connect to
  20. Dorado

    Dorado Beloved Grand Eagle

    I just reread your profile - I know we've talked before. You've been through a lot. What do you enjoy doing in life? How are you managing your emotions? These are all things I ask myself when I have a flare up. How do you relax your sympathetic nerves and stop obsessive thinking?
    Balsa11 likes this.

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