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Spotting and Will of Effort

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Eric "Herbie" Watson, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    See most often we have to learn to spot or become aware of a triviality or a fight happening in order for you the spectator to use a will of effort to change your reaction to a difficult situation thus setting us in course to do this practice over and over till we become re-conditioned to our wrong reactions which unaware are causing us to be ill and have pain.

    Its only after we become re-conditioned to these reaction traits to stressors and trivialities -- situations and so forth that we start to understand after becoming aware of them or spotting them then we can use the " will to effort" to change our reactions and over time after this procedure has taken place many- many times then our old pathways to pain through neural pathways will start to get thin and not so followed anymore making it of less effect and the new pathways made will be paths of feeling good and vibrant and hopeful which will change your belief system at its core and effect a change in your mindbody.

    It sounds doable and thousands have done it. Its about a belief system at first see, then we rebuild a new thought pattern that actually believes if I put this work in then it will help and it helps time and time again-- the thing is were human and most of us develop new pains and situations-- obstacles to override and we win these battles the same way with "will of effort" and learning to believe in the mindbody cure.

    Its not sage power or any of those beliefs -- its about a power you have called belief - ( lots of folks used to say that they'd die before giving up their beliefs)

    Someone put a name to your pain and you believed it because you felt the pain then when they said all the effects you would have and you had them. The thing is we think its them that’s telling us the truth because our pain is turning out just like their saying. The problem is most time were agreeing with our belief that their right and helping create it (the pain)

    Now what if he was wrong and when you believed -- it took effect in your body -- cause you believed with your mind. Its the same as you believe that your right foot will freeze burn if you put it into cold water, and then when you do it burns but others have demonstrated many times that we can dip our skin in freezing cold water and not get burnt be believing in the mind that the hand is warm and feeling the hand fill with blood the hand will usally not get burnt. See that's what we can do with our minds to our bodys. What about if we concentrate on the inside nervous system being full of power and then helping it along with believing our reaction watch is the way to fix it -- thats what were doing here.

    What about the thoughts we hear from childhood and how all those years weve seen others hurt well those are all beliefs called memes that weve just picked up by default . We can change those too.
    See when we learn a true way to reconditioning and its just practice over time then we can learn to make new belief systems that will most defiantly help heal our bodies.
    Bless you
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2013
    Ruth_L, Msunn and nancy like this.
  2. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    Our thought patterns do matter. Our self talk. What we choose to believe about ourselves. Wanting and wishing aren't enough. It is a willingness to plunge into, and become the new thoughts. Not easy, but worth every effort.

    My only disagreement comes from using the word wrong. Wrong is a judgmental word and can create a self-anger and self-blame in our practice of reaching our goals. Our reactions aren't wrong. They are what they are until we change them.

    I would like to suggest a gentler way of expressing this. We are now understanding that it would serve us better to have a healthier, stronger life. It is time to shed the old patterns and create new, loving and positive patterns. We haven't been wrong, only misguided. Now, we have new tools, and we can make better choices for ourselves.

    As always, you inspire. Thank you.

    with grace and gratitude,
    Ruth_L, Msunn, nancy and 1 other person like this.
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Lily Rose- That's Spot on what you said- ( Our reactions aren't wrong. They are what they are until we change them. ) Very Good.But if we look at some of our reactions we will be amazed at how wrong they were-- I never express judging the old you or the new you if it makes a person week in their journey. We often hear how the old man has been cast away , now im new or the Child has become a man and put away his childish ways. Its not about judgment here cept to be brought to a higher level of pleasure with the new self. Its an understanding that if we don't do this all with self compassion then were shooting up the wrong tree right. Love unconditionally your whole self -- faults and all but know the patterns of wrong thinking right.

    Or the new way of controlling your reactions. We do seem to find that a lot of our reactions are off and at different levels we can take our wrong thoughts differently but if Id said it any other way -- It might not have gotten through the conscious thinking of the reader. I like your version better I do but to open others eyes I have to talk to the things they are doing wrong. If folks think this is just for other folks that might be doing this but not them then it might not reach out and open their eyes. I see your logic and I thank you for your Kind words. Sometimes the old thoughts of the man or woman were wrong even if they meant well. its still wrong.
    But I do love your version.
    Ruth_L and nancy like this.
  4. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    I understand. Thank you for expressing in more detail. I am very sensitive to the nuances of words. Sometimes you do have to make emphasis to get the attention. Once you have the attention, then you can guide to a deeper level. It is much how I teach yoga. I use broad words, like 'large muscles' rather than specifying. Then, as time goes on, I begin adding the details of those large muscles, and their connections. It all depends what your audience needs to hear at any given time.

    I prefer to think in terms of not-so-much right, or wrong. Rather, I think in terms of consequences. There really aren't any 'wrong' choices, just consequences for the choices we make. Naturally, you may not like the consequence, therefor the next time around you make a different choice. However, if you did like the consequences, then you will do it again that way. Thus, conditioning can occur. It is a method that works for me, but may not work for others. We each learn differently, with our own notions of what words really mean.

    Whatever our individual language may be ... I do very much appreciate the inspirations you bring forth. Thank you.

    with grace and gratitude,
    nancy and Eric "Herbie" Watson like this.
  5. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Aw. So true my dear. You have so much insight to the beuty of words. I wished I had half your talent with words. I love your post. You make me smile when I read your poetry and Truth in your threads-- Thank You Lily for making sure Im on my toes. Your words of advice and knowledge mean so much to me.
    Bless You
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
    nancy likes this.
  6. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    Do you know that the literal translation of Angel is Messenger? Events and dreams, conscious and subconscious ... in and around and between these states of being, I have begun to believe that my role in life very well may be summed up as ... a messenger of the Messengers. How else could my words flow as they do? There are times I am simply typing without intent, without rehearsal, without conscious thought. The words pour out and I wonder how that all came from me. I do not have magic potions, I do not always know these ideal words. It is often as though the message is for me, as well as those that read and perceive it. I know I express from my heart, but so often the expression is ...more. As though I have something else guiding me.

    Aside from that, or perhaps on behalf of all that ... I thank you.

    Bless us all.

    with grace and gratitude,
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
    Eric "Herbie" Watson and Ruth_L like this.
  7. Ruth_L

    Ruth_L Peer Supporter

    That is why there seems to me to be pathways to pain & sickness in our bodies. Wow. Yes.

    How to deal? TY in advance.
  8. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Lily Rose you have a special gift and Im so glad your here with us expressing it. when the flow starts and your just typing in the moment don't you feel super-- like as if these words of power flowing out of you are being delivered by an unseen hand. Well, I believe they are. You have purpose and meaning in your heart and the universe knows that you know it so in effect the wisdom of the ages is flowing through you. Your Awesome
    Bless you
  9. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank You Ruth_L , Yes this is truth founded by many highly experienced Doctors. You got the meaning so well.
    Its your understanding of these truths that will liberate you Ruth.
    Bless You
  10. Leonor

    Leonor Peer Supporter

    Hi Eric,
    Sometimes we get stuck in what we do not hear. By the time I was born, the youngest of 5, my mother was tired and I was not paid much attention. I had my sisters and my loving neighborhood, which I lost too soon. My sister and I, the youngest, had the worst pain, my sister migraine and I fibro. I always wondered why I started so many endeavors and did not finish them, I do finish what I have to but not what would give me confidence/pleasure, and finally, last night after reading Ozanich chapter 26, I realized that because I was mostly ignored, very seldom encouraged I gave up unconsciously. We do need somebody to tell us you are doing great, you are loved etc. I am having a hard time expressing my anger about it and reconditioning, but I know I will succeed at last. All my life I was just tough, ignoring my rage until my body said no.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  11. Ruth_L

    Ruth_L Peer Supporter

    I need this every single day. And I don't always get it. In fact, as adults we rarely get it, unfortunately. But I am addicted to hearing it. I try to tell myself these things, but I don't do it every day.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  12. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ruth ... there is a quote from V for Vendetta that always touched me. I say it to you:

    But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you. I love you. With all my heart, I love you.

    If we say such things to those around us, if we say I love you. With all my heart, I love you ... can you imagine how the world would be changed?

    My mom wonders how I can say to her mother, I love you. My mother will not say that to her mother. She disbelieves my words because her mother, my grandmother, has created devastation in the wake of her life. I spent over 20 years avoiding this woman, this calculating, self-absorbed woman who terrified me as a child. Now I go the assisted living facility and massage her feet three times a week. I am paid for this service, and I am very good at it. I am also compassionate to her needs. She says she loves me and is so lucky I am in her life. I easily say to her, I love you, too.

    It is not the conditional love that we normally experience. It is the Love that comes from knowing we are connected beyond the boundaries of this flesh. It is passing a stranger in the store and thinking, I love you. It is flinching from an enraged driver, but still thinking ... I love you. It is meeting fellow travelers on this Forum, and being able to say with even more confidence ... I love you.

    And Ruth .. I also say this to you ... You are doing great!

    with grace and gratitude,
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  13. Ruth_L

    Ruth_L Peer Supporter

    That is lovely Lily Rose. That reminds me of a ...Japanese story I read, perhaps? It is that the woman and the MIL hated each other then the woman started massaging the MIL a lot. The hate the MIL felt for her DIL melted away and they became very very close.

    Makes me think that people in pain can be very cumbersome but massage, yoga, zen, etc can help everyone.

    And I'm also thinking about how generations of dysfunction & pain can be passed on. Your mother was damaged by her mother who was probably damaged by her mother who was damaged by her mother...etc.

    OTOH, yesterday I had this thought about my pain. The pain I experience is my mother. The neglect, the anger I have. It's all there. And really, in real life, especially now with the loss of my step-f I don't feel anger towards her or will act angry at her now. She's fragile. She has her world. That works for her. I'm happy for her.

    I am angry about the past, which nothing can be done about. I am at peace with her in the present. As far as the abuse, slights, neglect, anger of the past, I am trying to deal as best I can. Daily.

    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  14. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just got back from a very long day but just had to say, I really appreciated reading this thread. It's been a good decompression time; one of my kids had oral surgery today and it's been mano a mano combat with TMS for me. So thankful for this community!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  15. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ahhh, you take me back to the 1989 version of Batman (where that line was used) with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson ... I cannot count the times I have seen this movie. I love love love Batman. Thank you for sending me into that memory. I may have to pull out my old vhs and indulge in gothic darkness. Not tonight, though. Tonight is the newly-released-on-dvd Man of Steel. Superman with Christopher Reeve was my favorite version (first movie). I am curious to see what they do in the grittier version. While Batman is my favorite of favorites, Superman is well liked.

    Stay strong, beautiful North Star .... Marvel and DC aren't the only place to find heros. You are a hero, too.

    with grace and gratitude,
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  16. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Happy that my comment brought you a happy memory, Lily Rose! :happy:

    You are a hero too and I'm so glad that you're here. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Hugs!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  17. Leonor

    Leonor Peer Supporter

    I loved Christopher Reeve. He was such a great human being. It is a shame what happened to him. In 1977, during the Chilean military dictatorship, some actors were threatened to death and he went to Chile to a rally to support them. It was very brave of him, Dictators kill whoever they want.
    I will always remember him as a great humanist.
  18. BruceMC

    BruceMC Beloved Grand Eagle

    That really was an exceptionally brave thing for Christopher Reeve to do, Leonor, especially back then when they were executing popular folk singers and other national figures. Didn't know about that. However, Reeve was an international celebrity at that point so he really called their hand. Bravo!
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  19. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    This was me too Leonor, I was the youngest and I felt many times like I was the outcast or not liked by my older sisters and brother. See, mom showed me extra attention. Different than your experience in one sense but it was my sisters and brother that I wanted to be friends with ya know and they were all mad at me cause Mom gave me attention mostly but not over them. But at the same time when your a kid growing up if mom or dad gives attention to any one more than you -- we feel that loss of relationship ya know. I felt a loss of relationship to my sisters and brother

    I feel ignored by my family now many times over. Its not cause I think they don't love me but because I know what im doing is something that comes from the heart. Its for a dream my mom had and a fact I promised my God id do after my Mom passed in 2002-- She always knew id be a helping hand to others in a special way. I just thought it was because I wanted to be a Dr. or something. I didn't know at the time it was cause I was born with a Gift but my Mom saw it and when I started helping others heal in 2001 I saw the love in her heart as she saw her little boy come to fruition.

    We do things for two reasons -- to gain pleasure or to loose pain.
    If we think about the things that are causing us pain then we can start to get away from those habits eventualy through acknowledging that we have them and then making a goal to slowly walk away from this pain and back to something that excites us with pleasure. As in the way we look here to the wiki to Gain pleasure because of the physical pain we have grown accustomed to. See our pain can become a habit and we have to realize that, not that we like it but because we have had hurtful thoughts that have generated this pain over a long period of time.

    If we can spot those areas in our lives that cause us pain and be conscious of it then we can change the direction were going in and walk right into a life that gives us more pleasure. Im sure you've heard of the pain , pleasure principle. Some folks love to smoke cause its pleasuable but if we look at the long term affects then we know it can be painful so in essence this is when we start to look at what will give us better pleasure than cigerettes. We have to place the thoughts of pain to the cigerettes and a gain of pleasure by letting them go. Many ways to do this but its an example of some things that give us pleasure are really causeing pain and if we can write down all of our bad habits that we think is pleasurable then we can begin to place thoughts of pain to keeping on doing them and thoughts of pleasure to not doing them eventually gaining control over bad thoughts or anything that isn't benefiting us in a positive way.

    Now im not sure if this helped and I hope you get some sense from this, if not I can gather some studies that will elevate your mind to better understand how to do the above protocol.

    Bless You
  20. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    I believe this is a very healthy thought pattern. See we can get hope from just a word or a friendly hello and smile.
    We should all be looking forward to a relationship with happiness.

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