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Something that's helping me

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Cara, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Cara

    Cara Peer Supporter

    I was feeling really frustrated with journaling. I enjoy writing and have done journaling of one kind or another for more than twenty years. It didn't seem to be helping much though. Every so often I felt like I wrote something that was productive or revealing, but even when it seemed so, my pain level wasn't affected much. I have believed since learning about TMS that my tension is more related to the way I live (my job, my personality traits, my role as mother, my role in my community, etc.) and my personality (intense, perfectionistic, second-guesser, do-gooder, conflict avoider, etc.) than to any abuse or trauma in my early childhood. It made sense to me that my inner parent might be really pissing off my inner child, but beyond that, I wasn't discovering much. I get it, but I couldn't fix it.

    I forget where I came across the recommendation to read Mindfulness by Williams and Penman; it was probably on this wiki or in Dr. Schubiner's book. I have found its insight into the purpose and methods of mindfulness and meditation the most helpful I've ever read. I've read six chapters (I'm on week two of practice,) and although I am far from a skilled meditator, I have been able to significantly reduce my pain level two or three times in the last couple of weeks. Both times it's taken me less than a day. AND I believe I am finally doing better at recognizing how my pain level correlates with the way my spirit (can't think of a more accurate word) feels. I was even able to notice a change in my internal weather and stop a pain episode from getting really bad.

    If, like me, your pain is more the product of an overactive mind and intense personality than a particular moment in your past, consider giving it a try. I think (hope) it is changing my life for the better.
    plum and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I wish I could like this more than once, Cara! It's awesome that you are having success with the practices in that book, but what I really love is this:

    This perfectly describes a lot of our members who are frustrated because they don't feel like they fit into the "traumatic past" mold of Dr. Sarno. I've tried to describe many times how the concepts of TMS can easily go beyond that mold - but I've never been able to put it into such a perfectly concise sentence!

    I'm not sure about the "intense personality" but I certainly fit the "overactive mind" description. That, and difficulty just being in the present. I know, intellectually, that a practice of mindfulness would be really helpful for both of those issues.
    plum likes this.
  3. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Cara and Jan,
    Confirming your experiences, remember that Dr. Sarno discussed a set of patient reviews in his Divided Mind, and traced most cases of TMS to the way we treat ourselves moment-to-moment. Our history always emerges too, as we inquire into our inner relationships, but it is the tone of inner communication that creates a lot of tough feelings in the inner child, and hence symptoms. Just understanding the (often harsh) habitual way we treat ourselves, in conjunction with the good Doctor's work can create some wonderful breakthroughs for people. We've read the stories on this forum many times...
    Andy B
    Cara likes this.

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