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Day 18 Since Starting The Program have done anything that makes you proud?

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Edward, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Edward

    Edward Peer Supporter

    O.k so the first thing that came to mind when I read the question was o.k what have you accomplished in your external world?...ok maybe gotten a bit better a guitar, started skateboarding again...err o.k thats about it. Then I thought about how much i have learnt from doing the structured educational program. And I guess in having learned so much from doing the program I have taught myself how to be proud of myself. I am no pro in nurturing my emotions and thoughts but having had all this support in the forum I feel I am slowly learning.
    Endless luke and Becca like this.
  2. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    Edward, I feel like this program is changing my life. Physically, I've tasted of some real victories. (And more than one moment of "Oh no! I'm tired of this pain!") I think even more so, I feel like emotionally I'm more healthy than ever. I'm seeing things with more clarity and moving forward on some long killed dreams. (It's hard to dream when you hurt so much!)

    And hurrah! for you for improving your guitar playing and picking up the skateboard! Onward and upward! :)
    Edward likes this.
  3. Endless luke

    Endless luke Well known member

    Can you describe a little more about how the program helped you become proud of yourself. I've been doing it and I'm not sure that I've seen that effect.
  4. Edward

    Edward Peer Supporter

    Hey Seth

    Yeah well I needed a bit of time to deliberate an answer but since starting the program I have learnt to remind myself that i am an amazing and fully adequate human being despite all my short comings. Sometimes I will have some pretty heavy feelings and some of the time its really hard for me to stay on top of them. But its only been through doing this program that I have learnt new ways to deal with them ( I used to take them out through heavy labor and working out). Now when I remember to do it I remind myself all I need to do is send myself messages of comfort and just try and relax with what ever feeling I am experiencing. Also reminding myself that I don't have to do it if I don't want to or even the opposite i don't feel like doing it but I'm doing it and that's ok! i like the idea of my thoughts and feelings being my children and that I just have to nurture them. Previously I would let my thoughts build up on top of each other until I was telling myself that I had to do crazy things to overcome my lack of self confidence. Studying music and relearning to skate has helped me to understand that Rome wasn't built in a day. My friend sent me an awesome video bass lesson were the guy says we learn things by digesting bits and pieces of information and then its only latter on that these things merge to create skill and understanding. As I said I am no pro and I don't always practice what I preach though these are the things I have learnt from doing the program and I have found them to be very useful.
    Endless luke and MontanaMom like this.
  5. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Edward)- Sometimes I will have some pretty heavy feelings and some of the time its really hard for me to stay on top of them. But its only been through doing this program that I have learnt new ways to deal with them ( I used to take them out through heavy labor and working out). Now when I remember to do it I remind myself all I need to do is send myself messages of comfort and just try and relax with what ever feeling I am experiencing.

    Eric)- Man Edward you really got it down - the sentence I bolded above sums it up buddy
    Your on your way, cant wait to hear that success story, just take your time
    You got the bull by the horns.
    Bless you
  6. Edward

    Edward Peer Supporter

    thanks Eric feels good to know I am on the right track lol! I'm not always on top of it but at least i know what to do!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  7. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    That's right Edward, you might not always be on top of it now -
    but after reconditioning you will unconsciously be on top of it
    just through the law of habit. its the knowledge penicillin
    therapy that Sarno always talks about.

    Its repetition like learning anything new that you need to learn to be good
    you have to really apply with patience-
    peace and perseverance the principles you see.

    Work the program at least 5 days a week- you could go to 4 days a week
    but id study longer on those days if that's the case.
    Its not about how much you know- which is a great thing - its how well ya know it
    also remember use patience and self control even in study cause some of us don't like it.
    Our questions are have you had success the program and do ya practice it then what's the steps right.

    That should be how your learning or you could have another learning style like letting it all sink in
    any way, as long as you are injecting the penicillin, reconditioning will occur.

    Its a good bit to get down but its really good when we gain back control over pain

    Its always about getting back to living life again.

    Write me if you have any questions Edward-

    God Bless
  8. Edward

    Edward Peer Supporter

    Thanks heaps for that Eric I really appreciate the support.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  9. Endless luke

    Endless luke Well known member

    Thanks for writing out your thoughts- I think I've experienced some of the same thing but without realizing that I was doing so. It's strange that just the experience of journaling would make us kinder to ourselves. It's not something that I thought about while I was doing the journaling- I just thought about how rough things were. It seems like that might be enough to generate some sympathy for myself but it's not like I hadn't acknowledged life's difficulties before.

    Edward likes this.

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