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Shoveling snow

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by riv44, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. riv44

    riv44 Well known member

    This is the downside of TMS awareness: I had to do some heavy shoveling. Background: I have not shoveled snow in 4 years because my first physical therapist told me I could not do it ever. Last year we had blizzard after blizzard, and my husband had to do all the shoveling. Today, I was out there. Yeah, I didn't do a great job, and yeah, my trapezius muscle hurts but it always does at this time of day.
  2. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great report. The pain is no worse, or not much worse than if you had not shoveled. Interesting.
  3. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    Yes I am the same way….my pain does not change to much wether I sit around or working out or shoveling , it moves around a lot and I mean a lot and as been for awhile. So I rather stay active.
  4. riv44

    riv44 Well known member

    I didn't shovel today, and fell right into my winter avoidance behavior. We are now going to have our winter.
  5. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    lol agreed said the same thing….

    Riv44 you said you had a good exp with the tms dr you saw?
  6. riv44

    riv44 Well known member

    Eugenio Martinez at New England Baptist Spine Center. He is not primary care, he's a physiatrist. Which I may not spell correctly. Specializes in disorders of the spine. Said I have TMS. Period.
  7. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    K ….thx u Riv
  8. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm almost 86 and shoveled 1.5 inches of snow off my walk and driveway yesterday (it was light and I just pushed it away with the shovel).
    This morning there was almost 3 inches of light snow, but I managed to use the Toro snow blower to clear my walk and driveway. It was still work,
    but I did it, and no pain either day. I feel good for having done the work because it was good exercise in the cold air and sunshine. Not bad for an old geezer, huh?

    riv, Congrats on your snow shoveling. Just don't lift the snow, push it away. Or lift it in very small segments.
  9. riv44

    riv44 Well known member

    I did unfortunately lift some of the heavy wet stuff. Probably overdid it. Pushing was better. It did cause pain, but I was OK the next day.
    I've had trapezius pain for about a year. I just do what I can do till it sets in later in the day. I assume there is an emotional kink still not worked out.
  10. Stella

    Stella Well known member

    My first time to shovel snow in 10 years was a great celebration. A Scoliosis Doc said eliminate all bending to preserve the 3 unfused disc in my lower back.

    5 years out of the 42 day program I still have "emotional kinks". My body is waving a flag trying to get my attention letting me know I am repressing usually anger, fear or guilt. These emotions are galloping away in my unconscious mind.

    My alarm goes off every evening at 7:30 to remind me to journal. I work at staying in touch with the deep thoughts in my mind.
    Boston Redsox and riv44 like this.
  11. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member

    I set my alarm for 7am it's a good practice tms or not
  12. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, everyone. I am looking forward to an early spring with sunshine and warmer days. Snow used to be fun when I was a boy and loved sled riding and ice skating, but now I like to see green grass. Watching golf on television reminds me spring is coming. But I'm not complaining. It had been an unusually mild winter so far in Chicago.

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