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Should I go see a doctor?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by fmisiaczek, Nov 26, 2023.

  1. fmisiaczek

    fmisiaczek New Member

    I went to doctor for my upper back pain 3 1/2 years ago they did some tests but I don't particularly remember which ones so I don't know if they ruled out anything serious. Ultimately got referred to physio by the doctor. When Reading mind body prescription the pain moves around to my low back, elbow and wrists. Previous to my back pain I had shin splints. My personality traits consist of goodism, perfectionism and sometimes I get impulsively angry. Increasing bloodflow relieves pain. Had a lot of pressure and stress around the time I gradually developed the back pain and no apparent cause. This makes me believe I have classic TMS. On the other hand I feel a bit lost. Its advisable to rule out any serious diseases however I don't want to go back to the doctor and go through a plethora of tests and get told I have structural abnormalities and get told disheartening things. Should I keep the faith in Sarno and stay applying the TMS principles and not go back to the doctor? I feel like I was doing so well believing 90% I had TMS the mind has put me in a doubt spiral.
  2. Dfw

    Dfw Peer Supporter

    Unfortunately, in my classic cases going to a doc has put me in a spiral. The tests you are referring to have been extremely counterproductive for me. Each time I’ve been through tests, I’ve gone into the abyss. My thoughts are to stay connected to the TMS process and strive to be your best. My experience is when I stay away from docs, my symptoms improve dramatically, while going to docs & their “safe” tests have created literally ALL of my issues.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    You have gone to the Dr. If there was a serious disease like cancer, most likely you would remember your doctor mentioning it.
    Beginning TMS work -which you have done by reading and identifying with Sarno’s work is a way to move forward. When our brain tries to keep us circling in this fear & apprehension, it is simply another defense mechanism just like the personality traits you mention can be creating more internal stress.
    When we start understanding what is going on, sometimes our minds can work harder to protect us from breaking down these defenses. It wants to run from our ourselves. It thought it was protecting us by its old ways, but now you realize that this “protection” is a disservice, that you see what might be under all this stuff. Simply beginning the work and making the commitment to learn more about yourself can help with the doubts and fears. It is a very courageous step, one hard for some to take.
    Learn more at tmswiki.org page by scrolling down to see success stories, and two free programs. The SEP or structural education program is closest to the work Sarno outlined in his book and later in his life.
    Bonnard likes this.
  4. KeepGoing

    KeepGoing Newcomer

    You can always call that Dr's office and get the results of the tests.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Obviously the tests showed nothing serious if the doc thought physio was all you needed.

    This irrational fear, more than 3 years later, is your brain on TMS. It's got you right where it wants you.

    Follow @Cactusflower's advice, fight back against these irrational thoughts, and do the work!
    Bonnard likes this.
  6. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    Getting to this specific question of whether to go to the doctor or not: It doesn't have to be one or the other (i.e going to the doctor or believing what you have is TMS). If you do end up going to the doctor, it's just one more step. You'll learn something, have one more experience. Hopefully it isn't the really negative experience that @Dfw describes above. That can be hard to deal with/easy to get stuck.

    However, I think you know that the doctor is not going to find anything. It's even unclear exactly what symptoms you are now bringing to the doctor to get checked out--the symptoms have jumped around so much. You describe the personality traits that match exactly what is in Sarno's book. You were 90% there with your belief that this was TMS. You've got excellent suggestions above on what to do next...

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