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Self-Compassion, Inner Critic with TMS Andy Bayliss interview by Raelan Agle

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Andy Bayliss, Aug 31, 2023.

  1. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    I really enjoyed demonstrating some modes of working with our inner experience ---with awareness, self-compassion, and defending against the Inner Critic. Enjoy!

  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you Andy!
    This is great! I have some things that cause me a lot of internal pressure coming up (back to work!) and I love that you have a real example of how to do this method of work. I’ve read about it but your explanation is so much more “real” especially about the subtleties.
    HeidiF likes this.
  3. HeidiF

    HeidiF New Member

    Wow, this video really helped! Thank you @Andy Bayliss and thank you @Cactusflower for recommending it to me. Just saying you are loving enough, so simple but so more expansive than I am enough. I could fill in the blank with so many other adjectives and feel peace.
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Bumping this! Great interview, Andy, thanks for posting it. I think you very effectively describe your process for self talk and self compassion, two key components to healing imo.

    It's only 30 minutes, folks, so do yourself a favor and watch it!
    Tmswarrior32 likes this.
  5. Tmswarrior32

    Tmswarrior32 Peer Supporter

    What was the foot condition he had?
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    No clue, @Tmswarrior32. This was three months ago and I don't pay attention to physical details, only to the tools for self-healing. I would advise watching the video, because as I mentioned in response to one of your many questions on a bunch of old posts, you are in panic mode and you are not thinking rationally. IF you can watch this short video while ignoring the physical details and instead listening to the emotional work, you will receive the benefit of Andy's wisdom, because listening to him is like receiving personal coaching. He is in fact a TMS coach.

    If you also revisit Dr. Sarno as I recommended in another post, you will be reminded that physical details of symptoms are irrelevant, and obsessing about them only increases the vicious cycle of anxiety, self-judgement, self-pressure, and thus pain.

    Whatever your symptoms are, you already know that they are not life threatening, therefore you have to calm down your fearful brain and gently thank it, but firmly reject its desire to have you get all riled up about the physical, and to turn your attention to concentrate solely on the psychological. With commitment.

    I sure wish you luck.

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