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Restless Leg Syndrome

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Forest, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    Here is another post from the old forum. This one is by new wiki member, clazzamac.

    First, it is great to hear that you were able to overcome both your back pain and RSI with this approach. I had RSI for a very long time and recovering made me feel like I got my life back. I think that all TMSers should at least ask the question of if a future symptom is possibly TMS. I don't know a lot about Restless Leg Syndrome, but you could always ask a doctor if anything bad would happen if you treated it as TMS. Also, try to use your previous success as motivation and a confidence builder that you will be able to recover again. Ask yourself what is going on in your life right now that may be causing these symptoms. It may also be a good idea to get back out a Sarno book and do a refresher course. There is also a page on the wiki you may find helpful called the Relapse Recovery Rules. Has anyone else had Restless Leg Syndrome?
  2. clazzamac

    clazzamac New Member

    Hi there - many thanks for replying to me - I have now signed up to this new site - looks great!

    I am currently refusing to accept this syndrome and it is calming down. I know it is not otherwise harmful so it would suggest it is a diversion tactic - clever brain - but unnecessary!

    Will do a refresh and look round the forum - thanks for advice...
  3. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm glad to hear that you like this new forum and it is great to have you hear. I forgot to mention that in one of the Thank You, Dr. Sarno contributions, a person briefly mentions that they overcame their Restless leg Syndrome after reading the Mindbody Prescription. For more read Carolyn's Thank You.
  4. Leah

    Leah New Member

    About 9 years ago, I suffered severe left leg pain. I was on a bunch of medications and had nerve tests and an MRI. All found nothing. We had Dr. Sarno's books on our bookshelf as my husband was a back pain sufferer. Once I read Dr. Sarno's books and got some help, my pain eventually disappeared. His books saved my life. The pain returned this march and once again I read his books and started to explore any emotions that might be contributing to the pain. The pain is slowly going away and I have resumed all physical activity. Unfortunately, I am suffering restless leg syndrome which I have had on and off for 20 years. As my left leg pain got better, the RLS got worse. I had been searching for a connection between RLS and TMS. I found this forum and also ordered Sarno's most recent book hoping to hear his thoughts on RLS and TMS as it was not addressed in his earlier books. I know it is mental, but RLS certainly makes life difficult when it robs you of sleep. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to get through this RLS while I work on unresolved issues that may be contributing to it?
  5. AndrewMillerMFT

    AndrewMillerMFT Well known member

    Leah, do you do any self-talk before you go to sleep? Do you say anything to yourself about the RLS being TMS... or better yet, do you say anything to yourself that addresses your emotional world before you sleep?
  6. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I, too, have problems with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). I believe it is a form of TMS, and it has fortunately lessened to the point of being only a mild irritation as I try to fall asleep. However, it was pretty severe for awhile and kept me from sleeping. I did some research during that time and ran across a simple, practical suggestion that really seemed to work so I'll pass it along. Place a pillow between your legs while lying on your side as you fall asleep. For some reason this really seems to help relieve the urge to move one's legs. I hope it helps.
    Best wishes,
  7. Birdie

    Birdie Peer Supporter

    I too suffer from RLS occassionally (there were times I had it in legs + arms and not only at night). I am pretty sure it's related to a very over sensitized nervous system even there may be a small genetic component as it seems to run in families. My RLS immediately increases in situations even of minor stress like visiting family members and so on.
    I guess in cases of severe TMS (like fibro/CFS) there're not only changes in oxygen-levels in different body tissues but even some altered brain chemistry/changes in the neuro-endocrine-system (RLS has something to do with the dopamine-system). I know from former times, when I hung around in fibro-forums, that lot of folks there had RLS.
    pcool4195 likes this.
  8. Stella

    Stella Well known member

    I have had RLS off and on for years. I know it is TMS. It still bothers me on and off in a minor way, too, when angry, stressed, fearing rejection, etc. As suggested "just cut it out, beat it, go away".
  9. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey guys thought id get in on this thread for a few thoughts
    for years I always thought the pain in my legs was just from working to hard during the daytime
    or walking to much on the elliptical -when I could
    I never really thought about it much till now though- since I was doing the same job 5-6 days a week
    I should have had my legs getting used to the work outs and work after so much time ya know
    and during the day id have no problem, but on the way home from work id have to sometimes pull over
    and get a friend to drive cause id be in so much pain- it was really surreal thinking back now
    it would always happen with a slight pain and the more I thought about it (feared it) the longer and more intense it'd get
    at night was the worst, id lie there and wish to heaven that the pain wouldn't appear and the more id wish ,
    the worst it would get-
    this is the weird part - after the pain subsided id start to get cramps that knotted so bad I thought id
    have to be rushed to the hospital- it took so much of my strength to try and stand hoping I could stretch or move in
    a way that would elevate the pain- id find myself standing there for about 1-3 hours
    looking back it always came on very intense after a very stressful day on the job
    which was almost always -
    id thought id beaten the syndrome by slacking down on how hard I worked and getting to taking potassium supplements
    here's the kicker, I know now that it slacked cause id started reading sarnos work-
    I thought all this was behind me but the day I saw my pops at the funeral I felt a pain in the back of my leg
    that night it tried to kick in, I told it to stop -(and it did)
    until this time just a couple months ago I never associated this pain with Tms
    now I do, after learning the somatic experiencing and relieving the back pain that came back on me
    I felt the back of my leg start to go back to that intense pain and I said in my thought , peace be still and it went away
    now I know it was a symptom imperative the whole time
    just jumping around my body from 1 end of the body to the other
    im glad you guys brought this up- I honestly really thought it was from just to much work
    now I know the deception- we win guys, we win
    I beat it with meditation (somatic experiencing) , speaking to the pain and not fearing it
    for me it was the fear, I don't remember a time I didn't fear it in the past
    now another one bites the dust
    Stella likes this.
  10. Pandagirl

    Pandagirl Peer Supporter

    Just doing a search on the forum for RLS and found this thread. Glad to see a few success stories here. I feel like this most closely describes what I am going through. I have very little pain these days, but the sensory issues in my legs are at times maddening. It's not just at night, but all day, every day. Going to have to figure out how to address this further as it hasn't responded to my TMS healing approaches.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  11. Steve Ozanich

    Steve Ozanich TMS Consultant

    Hi panda babe. My pain shifted into intense RLS. That was my first imperative shift. To me it was equal to the pain in un-pleasantness, but that's what the brain wants. It's the sensation of the bloodflow reducing enough to cause the leg to "ghost-cramp." But not enough to cause pain.

    I got rid of RLS by relaxing the back of my neck, and forcing my attention to "observational breathing." That means I forced myself to concentrate on my belly as it moved up and down while breathing. Try it. Relax the back of your neck, and think about your abdomen rising and falling. It also helped to listen to music. Don't just put the music on, listen to the energy from it.

    Reduce your anger. You are stressed out, but remember, it's you stressing yourself out. The situation is only bad because you yourself are making it that way.The self-imposed pressures are the ones causing the TMS symptoms. Ease up on you, you're doing ok.

    If you need a neck rub let me know. I'm expensive but gentle.

    Pandagirl likes this.
  12. Stella

    Stella Well known member

    I have many many TMS symptoms. RLS is one of many which I believe are ALL caused by TMS... except one. I have these bumps on my heels. I'v forgotten the name. They move around and have become red and swollen When I started walking I cut a V out the back of my tennis shoes so I could walk. I have to be very careful about what shoes I wear.

    Then I thought I bet this is also TMS but I couldn't convince myself. Everything else I knew was TMS ...but not sure about my heels. Dr. Gordon suggests building an evidence sheet. The heel pain is certainly unexplainable. I do feel a slight relief when I tell someone I know it is TMS...that should convince me...right. Then doubt would trickle in. My mind would bat this around. 2 weeks ago I bought new tennis shoes. Do I cut in the V? No, I did not...and guess what, no pain.

    Do you have doubt Panda girl?
  13. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Pandagirl could you tell me your main healing approaches to this specific symptom?
    I think Steve and Stellas advice is awesome, I just wanna make sure your not missing a tool
    that most defiantly could help. I know learning tension control is great,
    but are you using visualizations? Are you using dis- association?
    Let me know- I had to use focusing, as in Eugene Gendlins focusing but
    I used other tools at the same time.

  14. Pandagirl

    Pandagirl Peer Supporter

    Thank you everyone! Steve, a neck massage sounds awesome! Interesting, I wouldn't have thought about focusing on relaxing my neck muscles. I know I hold a lot of tension in my neck, sometimes my shoulders are up to my ears and I catch myself.

    I honestly don't have any stress in my life any longer except what is caused by how I physically feel. Not being able to rest when I lay down or the creepy crawling feelings when I'm sitting down to work. I know this is a viscous cycle that I have to break, but I'm having a hard time finding peace when my legs are going nuts.

    As far as my healing approaches, I've used meditation, visualization, deep breathing, yoga and "talking" to my pain. Open to any and all suggestions.

    You're right Steve, the unpleasantness of RLS is just as bad as pain. I do feel like my legs just can't get oxygen.

    So now I'm wondering if there is a physiological explanation for this aside from oxygen debt. RLS research shows that it can be related to iron and dopamine in the brain. And dopamine is the happy hormone, right? So can being upset and stressed cause a lack of dopamine?

    Yes, Stella, as you can see I have doubt. Doubt because this has stuck around for so long (almost 3 years now) without much reprieve. :(
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  15. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Pandagirl- I wouldn't have thought about focusing on relaxing my neck muscles. I know I hold a lot of tension in my neck, sometimes my shoulders are up to my ears and I catch myself.

    Eric)- Yea use focusing for your neck, its worked great for me-
    There is another issue though that keeps the id, super ego side burning
    We control it with ego that makes these two evils even harder to deal with but as you know we can do this.

    Have you listened to your inner critic lately or the inner bully- Do you have those twins of deception under control?
    Are you missing a part of your life that you wish you could have done? like an old hobby or something?
    Are there any stressors that just slightly agitate you and you know its there but you pay it no attention?

    Pandagirl- I honestly don't have any stress in my life any longer except what is caused by how I physically feel.

    Eric- This is all the stress you need to keep the fire alive, How you physically feel
    I know its hard to do after 3 years of pain, but we have to keep ignoring the pain
    as long as we are thinking of it, the longer it stays.
    Have You done focusing on How you physically feel.
    Its the opposite of ignoring in a way but its non-judgmental
    and about being in the now.
    You can practice the ignore method and focusing separately

    Pandagirl- Not being able to rest when I lay down or the creepy crawling feelings when I'm sitting down to work.
    I know this is a viscous cycle that I have to break, but I'm having a hard time finding peace when my legs are going nuts.

    Eric )- Have you tried Clare Weekes here,
    Not being able to rest when you lie down could build tension
    and its from the pain. This is TMS at full work.

    Focusing, floating, Somatic experiencing are all sort of alike
    Although different- id pick one of these journeys to help me through
    It works, I've knocked out a recurrence of back pain with the focusing alone.

    Pandagirl- As far as my healing approaches, I've used meditation, visualization, deep breathing, yoga and "talking" to my pain.
    Open to any and all suggestions.

    Eric )- These are all Great tools panda girl, your really on the right path. Just time to learn a few more tools to add to these
    Power soothers. See you can meditate then think what is this pain here for, don't judge it or try to make it leave
    just let it be, just notice its there ( the pain) then as you notice its there and have no tension on wanting it to leave
    it will in effect loose its grip and soon the pain will start to leave as it learns you no longer embrace its departure
    Now that you learn to accept at this high level, The pain wont have a choice.
    Notice I said high level so its more practice but im sure you'll be up to it, if you wish.

    Pandagirl- the unpleasantness of RLS is just as bad as pain. I do feel like my legs just can't get oxygen.

    Eric )- Yes often the uncomfortable feelings will have you as tensed as the pain itself
    its TMS's best deception. I believe this is why focusing can help you learn to
    accept the pain as just an emotion that can be dissipated with practice.

    Pandagirl- So now I'm wondering if there is a physiological explanation for this aside from oxygen debt.
    RLS research shows that it can be related to iron and dopamine in the brain.
    And dopamine is the happy hormone, right? So can being upset and stressed cause a lack of dopamine?

    Eric)- Yes being stressed can cause any imbalance you can imagine in the body
    Stress can cause heart attacks and skin disorders- it most defiantly can cause a lack of dopamine
    but if you stay happy on purpose and smile as often as you do in your picture im sure you
    can keep your enthusiasm and stay happy- our will to be happy will
    always win over these stress attacks to our happiness.

    Pandagirl- I have doubt. Doubt because this has stuck around for so long (almost 3 years now) without much reprieve. :(

    Eric)- Panda im sorry you've had pain this long- TMS Wants to keep hanging on
    Well it is time for it to go,
    Your happiness and love, peace and joy
    Your hope in it happening and just letting go of all hindrances
    will be your battle rams against this persistent uneasiness.

    Practice the new tools Panda and lets see how they work
    and if you've already done all this, then we will think of another path
    the path of perseverance will always bring victory.
  16. Pandagirl

    Pandagirl Peer Supporter

    Hi Eric, Thank you for your kind reply. I need to be more patient, use these tools and calm my inner bully. And remind myself again that this is a process and I've had some symptoms go away even though I'm not 100% free just yet!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  17. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Eric- Yay, your having some improvement.
    stay with the process no matter what.

    Pandagirl- I need to be more patient, use these tools and calm my inner bully.

    Eric- Yes learn to be content, its a habit we cultivate through repetition
    and the inner bully can be dealt with through awareness.
    You will win, let go of thinking 100%
    and just let the healing come ok
    Have a great night- your doing it Pandagirl
    God Bless

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