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Research interview request: raising awareness and recovery of TMS chronic pain at work

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Flick, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. Flick

    Flick Newcomer

    Hi all!

    I am based in London UK, recently joined this brilliant forum and am so grateful for the wealth of valuable resources.

    I have had a terrible chronic headache for 4.5 years. Numerous misdiagnoses left me unable to work and depressingly out of touch with the world. I finally learned about TMS and am confident I am on the road to recovery.

    I was shocked to discover that TMS chronic pain is a really big problem and general awareness is low.

    Experience as a company culture consultant also highlighted low levels of awareness in UK workplaces. So now, I’m on a mission to work with companies to raise awareness and best support sufferers. For now, I am focusing on chronic pain, as this is my own experience and I have had feedback that this is a simpler message.

    I am now in the research phase of this new mission and would like to arrange 45 – 60 minute interviews with those who are currently working through or have recovered from TMS chronic pain to understand how it impacted their work, workplace perceptions and what support was offered. I can then use this data to make a real difference.

    Please get in touch if you are keen to share your experience in an interview. It will be fully confidential and I would be happy to share key insights with the community.

    I truly appreciate your time on this and just let me know if you have any questions.

    Best wishes,


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