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Recent Results + Drunk Typing

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Ftaghn!, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Ftaghn!

    Ftaghn! Peer Supporter

    Hello everyone,
    I just wanted to type an update to my recent results. I recently got quite a sizable work assignment requiring me to type for an extended amount of time, and from typing through the pain, in addition to taking well-timed, short breaks, I found that the pain diminished with each further attempt. When I compare to the pain from day one, I can type quite a bit more than I could before with much, much less pain. Now, I'm not quite satisfied yet, but I'm now able to type about 1000 words without -too- much bother.

    I also did a recent experiment -- I was coming back from some friends', just a little bit inebriated (ie; dead drunk), and I figured I'd give it a try. Well, surprise, even while absolutely drunk off my butt, I could feel the pain as much as usual. I tried painkillers too, but not much effect there, as far as I can perceive.

    I find that if I'm distracted, I not only have no pain, but I have no physical symptoms. Let me explain, when I typed before, before I even felt pain, I'd feel my fingers getting very warm, then start hurting. I realized that when I am distracted by playing video games, my fingers never actually get warm in the first place. Though once I realize that, I've jinxed it.

    Anyway, just a short update! I'm around, lurking. Currently sick as can be, though I hear everyone is.

    Cheers! :D

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