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Quotes on forum

Discussion in 'About This Site' started by Artmuzz, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. Artmuzz

    Artmuzz Well known member

    Does anyone know what it means when someone quotes you but doesn't leave their reply underneath your quote? The reason I ask is because a member has replied to my thread about Nocturnal Panic Attacks in the general section of this forum but this member has only used my quote as a reply and written nothing underneath it. Please advise.
  2. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    They are probably having a technical glitch - I have them all the time! Or it may be that they just wanted to highlight your post as they agree/identify with it.
    Tennis Tom likes this.
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I agree with Jo - technical glitch! Most likely the person hit the button for "Reply" which automatically quotes the entire post in a new reply - but got distracted and didn't get around to writing anything. Or they were using their phone, and their finger inadvertently hit that button, and they didn't know that they have a few moments to delete the post.

    Many people use the Reply button, but I find quoting the entire post to be unnecessary, and a waste of screen space. I prefer to just mention the poster by name if I want to respond. I do, however, like to quote specific sentences. To do that, you just point and drag to highlight the text you want to quote, then click on the "Reply" flag that appears on the tail end of the highlighted text.
  4. Artmuzz

    Artmuzz Well known member

    Thanks for the replies.

    Any chance to delete the person’s reply just to tidy my thread about nocturnal panic attacks? I have sent a PM to this person asking why her reply was only my quote with nothing written under my quote but I’ve got no reply.
  5. hecate105

    hecate105 Beloved Grand Eagle

    'Tidy' your thread! - now there's a true TMS character trait....;)
    plum and JanAtheCPA like this.
  6. Artmuzz

    Artmuzz Well known member

    I have tried contacting the poster bawbee a couple of days ago but she isn't responding. I also reported post but the moderator doesn't seem to be doing anything about it either. Please advise.
  7. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I'm inclined to agree with Hecate. To go further, and at the risk of being, hmm, judgemental, might this be an opportunity for you to examine your need for perfectionism and ask yourself how it can possibly benefit you to spend so much time and psychic energy on a completely unimportant issue?

    Let me assure you, it takes one to know one;)
    plum likes this.
  8. Artmuzz

    Artmuzz Well known member

    Thanks for the advice. I think it's because I am highly sensitised that I am getting bothered and agitated with trivial stuff like reading a reply and only getting my quote in the reply.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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