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Day 9 QTP being overly critical to oneself

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Ludwig94, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. Ludwig94

    Ludwig94 New Member

    Unfortunately, I can have a tendency for destructive behaviors and being overly critical towards myself. I identify mostly with "pressure on myself" way of talking, and the "abuse" way of talking. I can always feel like i am not doing enough (even in journaling today for a moment i was critical about not writing with enough emotion and feelings). I can keep on pressuring myself how I am not making money as much as I deem adequate (even when its not that bad) or that I am not practicing enough piano (I am a recovering pianist). AS if this kind of pressure/talk will make my "shortcomings" any less bearable. For the abuse kind of talk, i am realizing throughout the program more and more how I talk about myself negatively and have a "you are not good enough" mental attitude (that I am glad to say I am working on).

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