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Peter O' Sullivan and CB-CFT

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Painfreefuture, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Painfreefuture

    Painfreefuture Peer Supporter

    I just finished reading an interesting article on a study I remember coming across last fall, but now has new meaning in light of my very recent awareness of TMS/Mind Body Syndrome. The author is a professor in Australia and has developed a program called Classification Based Cognitive Functional Therapy (CB-CFT). This treatment recognizes the many facets of chronic low back pain and aims to reprogram the patients mindset and movements to reflect a more natural, less guarded and tense pattern. I watched a great interview with him in where he gave a wonderful explanation of how treating low back pain from a motor control approach can backfire by making the patient hyper vigilant about protecting the back (i.e. Bracing, engaging transverse abdominals or pelvic floor). The treatment also aims to dispel the myths that our backs are weak and need protection. Upon reading this I felt that it was a wonderful compliment to the mind-body approach developed by Dr. Sarno and Dr. Schubiner. I recognize that CB-CFT does not address the psychological issues of repressed emotions or response to stress. But a missing piece of the mind-body approach seems to be the guided return to regular movement patterns and function. When someone has been immobile for so long, the body doesn't know what healthy normal movement patterns are. And, in many cases, these normal movement patterns have become triggers for our symptoms (probably due to conditioning, the Pavlov's dog argument rather than suppressed emotions). It seems like a guided, graded exposure approach may hasten recovery. Is anyone familiar with this work or have thoughts on this?

    See article here:

    See video here:

    Healing thoughts to all!
  2. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for posting his. I watched it and O'Sullivan supports Dr. Sarno and MindBody without
    naming either or TMS or repressed emotions. But he says his and others' research leads him to
    believe that our backs are stronger than we think, and that doing muscle tensing exercises for
    back aches make them worse. He says we just need to tell ourselves our backs are okay, to think
    positively about them. We don't use tension to treat other parts of the body, so why the back?

    Dr. Sarno, Steve Ozanich, and others say we should not be afraid of hurting our back if we go
    about normal daily activity and not think about the pain. Tell ourselves positive affirmations
    that our back is all right. And discover the repressed emotions that cause the back pain.

    It's an excellent video and reinforces our TMS beliefs.
    Painfreefuture likes this.
  3. Painfreefuture

    Painfreefuture Peer Supporter

    Thank you Walt! I am new to this forum and my awareness of TMS is very recent. I am glad to hear that you liked the video and felt it was right in line with Dr. Sarno's philosophy. It also reassures me that I have a decent understanding of the concepts, which seems to be key in breaking the cycle.
  4. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    just came across Peter O'Sullivan via Georgie Oldfield today. interesting interview that is giving me reinforced hope and belief in TMS theory.
    slowly but surely the mainstream is coming to Dr Sarno's findings. that the back is much much stronger than we have allowed ourselves to believe..
    I love the way Peter O'Sullivan dispels the core stability rubbish too > I am one of the best in my pilates class(perfectionist) despite the pain yet it didn't dent it one bit.
  5. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, IrishSeptic. I'm glad you are a strong believer in Dr. Sarno and TMS. It takes total 100 percent belief to heal.
    I'm also glad you are doing so well in your pilates class. Sarno and Steve Ozanich and many others say it's a big part
    of healing to continue with being active. Besides helping physically, being active is a great morale booster
    and builds confidence.

    Have a great weekend and I hope you can enjoy every bit of it.
  6. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    I've come to Sarno as a result of default and virtually matching all my symptoms with his theory. I have incredible difficulty trying to explain this to people as I'm sure you can empathise.
    I'm working with a clinical psychologist now who is very interested in this perspective. currently I'm piecing together elements from youtube to give to her to reinforce the theory and what I now need to do. i.e. focus on the psychological hurts that have accumulated.
    I balked at my sis who recommended CBT, not because I didn't think it wouldn't help(it does and there is research to prove it) but because it doesn't offer a way out of pain.
    its a crying shame that all the good even great doctors aren't aware of this....yet.
    many will tell you its all in your head but offer no solution as to how to fix it.
    Fantastic to see proper Physiotherapists embrace the stress factors behind the cause and continuation of chronic pain. its a massive drain on society and families
  7. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    IrishSceptic likes this.
  8. Colly

    Colly Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wow… he was my physio when I lived in Perth WA back in 2000. And his daughter's hair is a mop of blond curls just like his! It's good to see that he's one of the few PT's starting to embrace the mind-body approach. What a wonderful world it would be if the entire medical profession embraced it too.
    IrishSceptic likes this.
  9. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    That's great, Colly. Do you think that on some subtle level, working with him helped open your mind to the idea of TMS?

    I wonder if PTs are picking up on the Mind-Body connection more quickly because they have scientific training and they actually work with pain patients for hours at a time. This helps them see things more holistically and see how important it is to resume activity and expand one's life.

    Georgie also shared another video of Peter O'Sullivan with the TMS Therapists mailing list, and it was very well received. I love the idea of many different talented practitioners exploring different approaches and using them to spread the word.
    Colly likes this.
  10. Colly

    Colly Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hey Forest,

    Actually, working with Peter was great, but he was not exploring mind-body approach at all in those days, and so I was just focused on the physical then. It's not surprising that he would now take that path, as he seemed to be that kind of person; very open-minded.

    My current physio who I see only occasionally is great, but I think his success to a great extent is due primarily to his kind voice and caring temperament (placebo effect perhaps). I recall him treating me for planter fasciitis (pre my TMS discovery), and unlike the podiatrist who was evasive, he was positive about my recovery and then suggested hot and cold foot baths to "promote blood flow".

    I suspect many physios "get it" when it comes to mind-body, but perhaps are reluctant to suggest it to patients, for a number of reasons, one of which might be a negative reaction from patients not willing to accept a psychological cause for their pain, and also perhaps because they themselves don't want to risk becoming a professional agony aunt!

    Once society can embrace the concept of psychologically induced pain then the flood gates will open. Let's hope we see that day soon.
    Forest likes this.
  11. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    my personal fav clip because this guy spoke of being suicidal with the pain...and Peter makes it clear that tension of muscles is a protagonist and for the patient to abandon core work as it only exacerbates the issue
    Colly likes this.

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