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Day 15 pain moving

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Shawn S, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Shawn S

    Shawn S New Member

    Nothing scary, I have been working out daily so my body is normal sore. I have noticed my pain moving but I'm able to make it go away pretty quick or sleep it away.it makes me laugh sometimes actually as it tries. I have had it move around my back, shoulder, foot, headache, I even got a cold for the first time in 2 years which I think may be related. It truly is like I have been told though. It really will try and move to trick you.
    nowtimecoach likes this.
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Shawn S)- Nothing scary, I have been working out daily so my body is normal sore.

    Eric)- Man that's awesome shawn your body is a normal sore, yea I remember when my body started getting a normal sore again. I was so happy to have good old fashioned muscle soreness that I could work through compared to the soreness from tms. Its a world of difference, im glad you know got to experience the difference, now ya have a time you can record in your evidence sheet. Its ingrained in my mind as I assume yours too but aint it sweet to know when ya getting it under control.

    Shawn S)- I have noticed my pain moving but I'm able to make it go away pretty quick or sleep it away.

    Eric)- That's a good way to control pain, make it go away. That's skills, you got the understanding, Your doing great man. This is when you celebrate.

    Shawn S)- it makes me laugh sometimes actually as it tries.

    Eric)- This is a powerful antidote to pain, when you start to laugh at it after you have built your skills, next thing ya know the tms starts to have no purpose; so cool.

    Shawn S)- I have had it move around my back, shoulder, foot, headache, I even got a cold for the first time in 2 years which I think may be related.

    Eric)- The cold was related and that moving around was something that happens to most of us but the public thinks its always structural, its good you know the truth and have the awareness, you also have another power house weapon- the acceptance.

    Shawn S)-It truly is like I have been told though. It really will try and move to trick you.

    Eric)- Yes it will, but now that we know the bigger wiles well start to even look for the unbelieveable imperatives like the cold and even sick feelings. I caught myself thinking that I was going to be sick, like weak sick if I wasn't weight lifting ya know and guess what I felt like I had a fatique issue or something, then I thought - Hum? Am I expecting this feeling? and all of the sudden I had a burst of energy that has stayed with me for a long time now. Aint it good to know when ya finally in control.
    This is a great post.
    Shawn Thanks
    nowtimecoach likes this.

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