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Pain managment

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Marinedad, Jun 6, 2018.

  1. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Has anybody gone to pain mamangment while they learn tms or is this counter productive.
  2. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    Yes, i'm in pain management, but i'm down from 5 meds, to 2. I still have to work a job and not be suicidal, so i need pain relief. I found a painkiller that really helps and it's not very strong. I find that if i'm in severe pain, i'm panicking and it all gets worse. Relieving the pain relaxes me, and allows me to get back into activities without fear. Realize that yes, they do "mask" pain, but sometimes we have to be realistic and live life. The painkillers allow me to get back into biking and exercise, which has also trained my brain that exercise is safe.
  3. Anthrax

    Anthrax New Member

    which painkiller? I found nothing that works for me, not even a slightly.. just if I'm not preoucciped and if doing something interesting..
  4. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    nucynta, which (my dose) is weaker than hydro codone, but for me it works better. it has sort of a dual action. I have burning nerve pain.
    I used to take gabapentin and topamax, which worked for a while, but i got tolerant. The Nucynta for whatever reason, i have not grown a tolerance.
  5. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    did you just say your pain is lower if you're preoccupied or doing a task? My pain nearly goes away if i'm mulling around doing housework or yard work, or just immersed in a task in general. That's a big clue it's TMS.
  6. Marinedad

    Marinedad Well known member

    Yes same with me need to work a job ...and yes my pain is the same nerve pain
  7. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    did you use hydrocodone ?
  8. NicoleB34

    NicoleB34 Well known member

    that was the backup med when my preferred med went out of production for a while. I wasnt a big fan of it. I found that despite being stronger, it seemed to be less effective (for nerve pain) and it caused more side effects. We're all different though.
  9. Click#7

    Click#7 Well known member

    so this med is good for nerve pain then ?

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