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Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by robh2, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. robh2

    robh2 New Member

    My name is Robert, I had a 7 car pile up 10 years ago. I was originally diagnosed with disc herniation c4,5,6,7,t1,l4,5,s1 and TBI with PTSD. I have also been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and have been dealing with pain and memory issues ever since that it has almost destroyed my marriage and has destroyed my career.

    My wife is a physician and found the Divided Mind out of desperation and has found me on every page of the book. I have also read it and find the same. I have accepted what I can remember from the book (Bad memory from head injury, meds and possibly TMS). I am just looking for others to talk with about it. Gets kinda lonely even here at home. Therepists have no idea what I am talking about.


  2. AngK

    AngK Peer Supporter

  3. robh2

    robh2 New Member

    Thank you AngK. Closest provider is about 4 hours away. Not sure how many appts it would take or if they take Tricare. lol...
  4. trypp

    trypp Peer Supporter

    Hi Rob,

    I bet you'd love Dr. James Alexander's book. He was actually in a car crash as well and sometimes hearing the success story of someone who has had similar experiences can help with healing. He also does a great job of explaining approaches to overcoming hidden trauma from things like car crashes (because he lived it). I think he tells a good deal of his story in this free podcast: (scroll down to play the audio in your browser or download it to your computer)
  5. chickenbone

    chickenbone Well known member

    I agree. Dr. Alexander's book is a must read for everyone with TMS. He provides a great overview of what therapies are available today for the treatment of TMS. The book is unbelievably well researched. He answers all the questions you had for Dr. Sarno.
  6. gailnyc

    gailnyc Well known member

    Another vote for Dr. Alexander's book.
    Also, if you can not drive to them some therapists will do Skype with you. You might check into that.
    I wish you much healing.
  7. Dr James Alexander

    Dr James Alexander TMS author and psychologist

    hello Robert. There is not much in contemporary life that can rattle us, both psychologically and physically, like car accidents (apart from combat experience). Sorry to hear you were in a serious one. Your circumstances are complicated by the brain injury which you picked up as well. Unfortunately, the trauma associated with car accidents is fertile ground for TMS. I recently worked with a bloke who had his scalp nearly torn off in a car accident (as well as other serious injuries), and despite the fact that he was conscious and conversing after the accident, he has no conscious recollection of any of it- only remembers waking up in hospital all patched up. I have no doubt that his mind is protecting him from the psychological trauma, but no doubt also that his brain copped a big whack and this would have interfered with his recall. He also suffers from ongoing pain and acquired memory loss. Even if we cant remember it happening, i am sure that such an assault on the body results in psychological trauma. My suggestion to him was to pursue EMDR as a means of addressing the trauma. Unlike approaches like CBT, it is not necessary to have a well functioning brain in order to be responsive to EMDR- it is not an intellectual or heavily cognitive approach. I was discussing it with another psychologist just today who had attended a workshop re EMDR and children- the trainer presented a case with an 18 month old. Obviously, such young children are pre-cognitive in their functioning, but apparently it can still be effective (with modifications to the basic protocol). I havent yet done it with a person with an acquired brain injury, but cant see why it wouldnt be just as effective as with anyone else. Like i said, it is not an intellectual approach that relies on high functioning cognitive processes. If you are interested in learning more about it, see my website (www.drjamesalexander-psychologist.com) and go to the EMDR button on the left of the home page. You can read a bit about it, see a demo by the woman who devised it (Dr. Francine Shapiro), and also read some on-line interviews with Shapiro in the New York Times. I think trauma is often behind a lot of TMS pain, and you have been traumatised by the accident. It may be the next thing for you to explore in your journey of recovery. Best of luck with it.
    Forest likes this.

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