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My TMS cocoon is cracking

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Diana-M, Nov 19, 2024.

  1. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    I said in one of my earlier posts, something like: “as soon as I can say what I really feel, I’ll get better.”

    Well, I’m not better yet, but I’m inching a LOT closer to making my insides match my outsides. At first it was weird and uncomfortable. Now I just blurt out what I need. I turn down things I don’t want to do. I say, “No.”

    On a daily basis, I stop and FEEL what’s going on with me. I ask myself, “Do I like this situation? Do I feel uncomfortable?” Then, I adjust accordingly. I disregard all the SHOULDS. I’m basing actions less on should and more on want. It’s strange to think that what I want should count. But it does!

    I’m also just plain WAY nicer to myself in what I say in my head. Life is getting pretty darn peaceful.

    I still have symptoms. Some have died down a little. I’m doing more physically. Cooked 2 times this week. (A first in over a year!) And doing dishes every night. The kitchen is my gym. It’s where I put in my biggest effort. It’s hard! But I’m proud. :cool:

    Thanks everyone! I’m learning here! I can honestly say having TMS is transforming my life. I’m still in the cocoon, but I think it’s cracking a little. :D
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2024
    TG957, Baseball65, feduccini and 3 others like this.
  2. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Bravo!!! This is fantastic progress, Diana! :)
    BruceMC and Diana-M like this.

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