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Day 1 Moving Along

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by njoy, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Hi. I read Dr. Sarno’s book on healing back pain in 1992 or thereabouts and it helped me to recover from the constant, debilitating back pain that was ruining my life. I have never had more than a fleeting problem with my back since that time. However, I’m one of those who, over the years, has developed many other “tms equivalents”. To cope with them, I have been a member of tmshelp.com for many years although periods of activity on the forum there have been interspersed with long periods of inactivity. Sometimes the inactivity has been the result of relative good health and other times of discouragement and exasperation. Still, I always come back when I'm ready for the next step.

    Just today I discovered the Structured Education Program here on tmswiki.org. Great idea! I’m hoping that this will help me to become a more positive person. My childhood was abusive and, although I’ve made lots of progress toward dropping my fear and rage about those years, I am still inclined to take a negative view of life -- always expecting the worst.

    Although I can cope with pain quite easily now, my new goal is to deal with the anxiety and life long depression fueled by my controlling and perfectionist nature. I want to be a “let go and let God” kind of person who accepts what comes in life as a gift and a challenge, not a personal assault.

    So, wish me luck. I hope that my story shows how mind/body awareness can lead to a life long path of growth. My biggest gain so far is that I no longer care about being a “winner” and proving myself to anybody, about anything. I just want to be a person who enjoys life and is grateful for all that is good and beautiful in the world.
  2. CMA

    CMA Peer Supporter

    Welcome here njoy. It could be me saying "my new goal is to deal with the anxiety and life long depression fueled by my controlling and perfectionist nature. I want to be a “let go and let God” kind of person who accepts what comes in life as a gift and a challenge, not a personal assault"
    I am dealing with the same. I am on my day 31 of the program and so glad and proud that I stuck with it after few failed attempts. I am dealing with tonnes of anxiety, nervousness and panic right now and hoping to feel better.

    Good luck on your journey!
  3. gailnyc

    gailnyc Well known member

    Welcome, NJoy. I have a similar problem--I am a control freak. I need to be in control at all times. I am slowly learning to let go and when I do, my pain eases. But it doesn't come naturally--I have to constantly work at it.

    Good luck!
  4. njoy

    njoy aka Bugsy

    Thanks for the welcoming words. I appreciate them.
  5. Stella

    Stella Well known member

    Welcome njoy to a incredible journey.

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