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Day 6 Meditation and taking it slowly...(eczema)

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Tanya, May 18, 2014.

  1. Tanya

    Tanya New Member

    Hi Everyone,
    There's been about a week between my day 5 and 6...I read on a post, not sure who wrote..maybe Ozanich, that is was OK to take time between the daily program, if needed. This was a great relief as I found myself generating some tension to keep to it strictly. Also, day 5 was emotional for me and in the days that followed I read Sarno and Ozanich every day and this gave me great insight and comfort.
    Today, I meditated. Along with relaxing each body part I also added in some visual imagery of my eczema areas healing via rays of energetic light channels, transmitting the afflicted energy out and replacing it with healed new skin. The meditation did get a little 'noisy' for me. Memoried of difficult periods from exactly 1 year ago came up unexpectedly, then I let them go. Others came, and I let them go as well.
    Can anyone share some of the affirmations that they use that are helpful to them?
    Thanks for listening and many thanks,
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    When those memorieds come up Tanya, focus on your breathing ok. This should help, the letting go is great but remember to focus on your breathing. I usually start my soothing like this.
    I lie down and just relax, then I imagine my face relaxing and it does, then I will tell my head to relax and it will then I just go from my neck to my toes relaxing my whole body while focusing on my breathing.
    After I'm relaxed good this was, then I start telling myself over and over ( I'm calm , relaxed, patient and confident )
    When I say I'm calm I focus my attention on being calm and so forth.
    Those are powerful affirmations along with Peace, love, joy.
    Bless You
  3. Tanya

    Tanya New Member

    Eric, Thank you very much for the response - they affirmations you offered reinforce what I do and provide much hope. It's always helpful to hear about the process of others. Many thanks, tanya
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  4. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thank you. Remember we're here to help guide you. Bless you

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