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Day 6 Made a connection to the past

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Jilly, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Jilly

    Jilly Well known member

    While doing day 6 exercise I made the connection from a painful past situation as a child and a current to date situation. In my journal I wrote, " The unconscious need for others to release their anxiety and anger through others…. ". It first happens as a child and if there were not concessions or apologies and resolve the wound is buried waiting for excavation at a later time. I did not internalize my wound as an adult this time around, I spoke up for myself, then spoke to my unconscious mind and said "Right O ! this will not be fuel for your fire !"
  2. Beach-Girl

    Beach-Girl Well known member

    Right on Jilly:

    Sounds like a good "aha" moment to me. Keep it up and that mantra close at hand (or mind?)

    Jilly likes this.

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