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lower back pain -- latest report

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021), Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    I just got the September newsletter of Johns Hopkins Medicine and it has this to say about lower back pain which convinces me that it has more to do with TMS repressed emotions than anything structural:

    "Don't expect your doctor to send you for an X-ray or other imaging test if you suddenly develop low back pain, no matter how much discomfort you're in. That's because a diagnostic imaging test for acute back pain will rarely change your treatment and outcome -- and it may actually put you in harm's way. Imaging studies for back pain can be harmful and often are not helpful, according to the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation. X-rays and CT scans (computer tomography scans) carry the cancer risk of radiation exposure.

    "Low back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor, and most patients expect to leave with a definitive reason for their pain or an appointment for an X-ray, CT scans, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). But unless your doctor suspects a spinal infection, cancer, or a neurological or other serious cause for your pain, you'll likely leave with simple instructions on how to manage pain and care for your aching back and maybe a prescription for a pain reliever or a muscle relaxant.

    "The truth is, for most people, low back pain goes away within four weeks. More than 85 percent of patients have nonspecific back pain that's not related to a disease or evident spine abnormality. Back pain can be caused by degenerative disc disease, arthritis, a herniated or slipped disc, problems in the back muscles or ligaments, and from depression, anxiety, and stress."

    That last part tells us that the report recognizes TMS symptoms brought on by anxiety and stress.

    Some people, including the rich and famous, such as George Clooney, don't believe or know that they back pain may be caused by represses emotions. He fell on a movie set a few years ago, hit head hit the floor, and he has suffered severe back pain ever since. Several expensive operations followed but gave only temporary relief and he is reported to be considering undergoing another one. I hope someone reading this can let him consider TMS healing. In his case, he may very well
    have repressed emotions stemming from an insecure childhood. His parents' failed marriage may well be the reason he has become marriage shy and one of the world's most eligible bachelors.

    So if you suffer back pain, you can take comfort in knowing you are in a very large boat holding many thousands of people. Following the 12 steps in Dr. Sarno's book, Healing Back Pain, and
    reading others' books on TMS, plus journaling to discover your repressed emotions, and deep breathing and living in the present, can help heal your back pain. If your doctor has not found a definite structural reason for your back pain, it may very well be TMS. Once I convinced my subconscious that that was the cause of my back pain, it went away.

    I'd like to hear from anyone who would like to discuss this subject.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  2. Forest

    Forest Beloved Grand Eagle

    The fact that the report does not recommend imaging shows how strong the nocebo effect is with TMS. Our mind will take advantage of anything it can to distract us from our emotions. X-rays and CT scans gives our mind with a powerful tool to convince us that we have a problem. Of course, as several research articles have shown, these abnormalities are harmless we will continue to go back to them over and over again as the reason for our pain. So much of recovering from TMS involves overcoming the nocebo effect and no longer let little things exacerbate our symptoms.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  3. brucewillym

    brucewillym New Member

    hi there,
    is the pain imaging helpfull in order to diagnose back pain?

    Forum moderator's note: spammy link to commercial website removed. Originally, the words "pain imaging" linked to a medical device manufacturer's website. Please avoid off-topic links to commercial websites. If you have any questions, please submit them here:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2014
  4. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Well known member

    Great point, Forrest. It also tells me that Doctors are finding that X-Rays, CT Scans, and MRIs are not that useful in diagnosing what the actual problem may be. If they were, they would prescribe them more often.

    To contrast that, if the doctor suspects a broken bone, he's sure-as-heck going to prescribe an X-Ray. Because an X-Ray will show him the actual problem. But for back pain, they are guessing that the problem is structural and unfortunately, they are guessing wrong.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  5. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Well known member

    Hi Bruce,

    Welcome! If you are experiencing chronic back pain, it's very important to see a physician and have a thorough examination. You want him to rule out any serious medical conditions, like cancer, diabetes, etc.

    However, once you have been examined and are satisfied that there is nothing like cancer going on, then you may want to consider TMS. If the doctor tells you something like... you have a herniated or degenerated disk, or any of the other conditions that Dr. Sarno says are TMS, then I believe that you probably have TMS.

    Get Dr. Sarno's book, "Healing Back Pain" or "The Mind Body Prescription" and see if it makes sense to you. You can get them from the library if you don't want to dish out any money. I can tell you that I had chronic back pain for 16 years and was completely healed by Dr. Sarno's methods. I've been pain free for 6+ years now. By the way, they told me I had a degenerated disk and would probably need surgery. Good luck to you!!
  6. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    I honestly believe more and more Drs. are picking up on the paradigm shift that, most of all the back pain is due to tension and stressors and traits. Like the Cap said above, maybe they still do think it's struceral but they sure treat most folks like its almost no problem at all. At least in my family's case anyway, I remember a sister going to the E.R. because she was barely able to even walk and they did not pass for an x ray - sent her home with tylenol.
    I remember when the tms pain had came back on me after seemingly being almost fine for close to ten years. Even though I was in more pain than I had ever been in in my life they treated me like I was ok, just joshing, couldn't be that bad and sent me home with some naproxen. I finally had to shell out some cold hard cash and pay thousands of dollars to finally get some pain medication that would help me after 5 Dr. visits and every other aleve and inflammation pill you can think of " That cost me lots of money".
    I had to have something that weakened the pain , not knowing of the tms knowledge yet, I felt like a victim and like they thought I was just a drug addict.
    Finally I could get up and do my bathing and such but you would think other than the punishment reward thing that skinner the psychologist brought in that they have someone telling them that most of this pain that folks are in is in some way or another stress induced and psychosomatic to the point that if they just give us hell when we really need something for pain then eventually if we're really not that bad off or eventually going to heal in the 4 weeks then we would just give up and not pursue the meds we really need to alleviate the pain and eventually get better but in my experience from TMS pain, it doesn't work that way, it just gets worse and worse and worse.
    I believe there still mixed up bad and its going to take a major over all to get all of this straight. Years and years of changing paradigms and treatments. This is great stuff to know but I do worry about the folks with real Tms pain that will really suffer if the wrong Drs. start to think that this pain isn't really real, it's just all in the mind. They really need some great tms teachers to come in and teach them the reality of this epidemic, then at least the pain clinics can start to straighten up this mess they have pulled americana into.
    I am in no way mad or angered at anyone. I just know Tms pain is real.
    But the way they aren't sending for x rays could be something good or bad. We will have to wait and see, just my two cents worth.
    I know Dr. Sarno in his book " Mind over back pain" said he would prescribe the strongest pain killers for the tms pain cause it is the worst kind of pain, he actually said heroin. I know he meant well, it was a way of saying how bad this pain can be for sure.
    See learning about tms healing and knowledge is a way out of this never ending cycle of pain and shame, give em something till the pain dissipates and soon folks can get on with their live.
    I always felt terrible having to even ask for medication knowing the way they were going to react to me. It's the victim feeling even more like a victim in a broken system.
    Tms knowledge and healing is the only way out of the spiraling web. If I can get someone to have hope again and feel empowered then I know with the right knowledge they will heal and that is exactly what DR. Sarno did. He believed his patients and so they believed him. The worlds most beloved Dr. Awesome
    Lavender, angelic333 and Cap'n Spanky like this.
  7. brucewillym

    brucewillym New Member

    hi There!!!
    That's Pretty awesome reply you post and also a big thanx for the Dr.Sarno's Book, i will look forward to read it. i wanted to tell you something about my back pain, it more often raises in cool weather and i just helpless to rest at home so do i need to go to any specialist or physician can help me.
  8. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Well known member

    Hey Bruce,

    If you're in the US, you usually need a referal to see a specialist. I'm not sure about other countries. I think you could start by seeing a doctor that's a general practitioner or primary care specialist. Then that doctor could send you to a specialist, if needed.

    Sorry to hear that cold weather bothers your back! By reading Dr. Sarno's books, I learned that my mind was really playing tricks on me. What I mean is... I thought that standing and walking caused my back to hurt. I thought that for 16 years. But it turned out it wasn't really true. It was really my mind playing tricks on my body through mental conditioning.

    I really hope you find Dr. Sarno's books helpful, Bruce! I know it changed my life. Also, this TMS Wiki is another great place to learn about TMS.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2014
  9. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    You got it right, Cap'n Spanky. The pain isn't in the back, it's in our mind.
    TMS knowledge heals both.
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  10. Cap'n Spanky

    Cap'n Spanky Well known member

    So true, Walt! And it's important for a new person to understand, that the pain is very real. It is not imagined or all in our minds. Instead, our mind is creating real pain in our bodies.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  11. brucewillym

    brucewillym New Member

    hey thanx again for your help, i also thought the same thing that you told me but meanwhile my work i was found something called Thermal testing, which i did with my back,mean pamper my back with hotwater bag, which helps me a lot but that's only a temporary cure and now i will check with a physician...let's what he has for me....

    Forum moderator's note: spammy link to commercial website removed. Originally, the words "Thermal testing" linked to a medical device manufacturer's website. Please avoid off-topic links to commercial websites. If you have any questions, please submit them here:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2014
  12. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Brucewillyn, good luck at the doctor's, but remember that even if he/she says something structural is found,
    it may not be what is causing you pain. It may still be TMS from repressed emotions andd/or a perfectionist personality.
    Cap'n Spanky likes this.
  13. brucewillym

    brucewillym New Member

    Thanx Walt Oleksy....tiphata
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  14. brucewillym

    brucewillym New Member

    hi there,
    i am done with the pain imaging and now i am feeling relaxed as my back is good for now. lets see that if its coming back in future

    Forum moderator's note: spammy link to commercial website removed. Originally, the words "pain imaging" linked to a medical device manufacturer's website. Please avoid off-topic links to commercial websites. If you have any questions, please submit them here:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2014
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  15. brucewillym

    brucewillym New Member

  16. IrishSceptic

    IrishSceptic Podcast Visionary

    just to add George Clooney tore his dura mater with spinal fluid leakage. its possible emotional turmoil may make it worse but thats a pretty serious injury.

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