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Day 3 Just want to post daily

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by how_to_feel_emotions, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. Hi SEP-subforum,

    I write everything relating to the SEP down in my notebook, and I want to use this subforum as a way of checking of when I did the exercises, and to ramble my thoughts a bit. So this is mainly for myself to read back :)

    Every time I read more about the symptoms of TMS and the causes of it, I am getting increasingly certain that my pain is mind-induced. I have learnt that this is a natural process of the body. I think I have learnt over time that feeling emotions is bad, and somehow threatens my existence; and that therefore, my body shifts attention from these unwanted emotions to physical symptoms like a stiff back/neck, an aching pain in my middle back. I do heavy workouts, and while I do them I have no trouble at all and feel no pain. That in my opinion is a good indicator that there is nothing wrong with my back.

    Checking off day 3
  2. Hedger

    Hedger Well known member

    There you go! Good insights already

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