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Its it tms or cipro toxicity

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by NameK, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Hey so in December 2016 I took some ciprodex after I got my ear flushed out and I took it for 4 days I think then I stopped. I didn’t notice any effects at the time.

    In April 2017 I was having sharpshooting pains on my lower back and stomach. I doctor I saw thought it was a kidney infection and gave me cipro 500mg x1. I only took 3 pills because on the third day I had a bad what i thought was an allergic reaction (hives,watery eyes,panic attack ,fast heart rate,my legs felt weak and possibly burning. I called the nurse hotline they told me to stop taking it and take a benadryl so i did and the effects dwindled away.

    In that summer I developed dry eyes,eye floaters . October I had a eye twitch before a plane ride it went away after the trip. In November I got plantar fasciitis and tight calves and occaisnal knee pain. I didt think anything of it I was a foot specialist they gave me orthdics and sent me o my way.

    In February after a fall I had lower back pain constipation and teistcle pain. After seeing multiple doctors one prescribed doxycycline for 5 days it didnt help. Another wanted to prescribe cipro I declined said I allergic and he gave me bactrim I took it for 8 days and stopped due to diarheria.

    Also for the pain I was told to take tynonel and advil which I did as needed throughout the past few months

    Once I red about cipro poisoning 5 days ago I’m freaking out and scared because im afraid that I might have messed up my body also I've been working out this whole time and I'm afraid I might have made it worse bu doing this . My doctor and therapist dont believe me they think its just anxiety I isn't know what to do.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2018
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    If you do a keyword search on Cipro (up on the right hand side of the menu bar) and choose the tab "results from our forum only" you'll find some past discussions about this topic.

    Cipro is a strong antibiotic, and all antibiotics can have negative effects - but Dr. Sarno and our other TMS doctors have assured us that our bodies are designed to heal. However, for someone with health anxiety, that ability to heal is probably suppressed. I think it's all too easy to want to blame current health problems on something that happened in the past, and I think there are too many people on the internet who are desperate to find blame. Dr. Gabor Mate, in his brilliant book When The Body Says No, explains really well how the stress of emotional repression can in fact make us seriously ill, well beyond what we call TMS.

    But it doesn't have to be that way. After you've read what other members have said about supposed Cipro poisoning, the next stop for you is our Success Stories subforum, where you will find plenty of stories written by people who recovered from the most amazing avalanche of symptoms, after many years of suffering.
    Lizzy likes this.
  3. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    I know I'm just really scared I might have cipro poisoning and I'm not sure if its tms or not and I feel helpless and I'm afriad I might have joint and muscle pain forever or the other potential side effects that apprently can be permanent.
  4. Snowman

    Snowman Peer Supporter

    I've also on this road atm. Mine all started with a water infection tho . Told it could be ic. Had my 1st anxiety attack when I read about it. It's now at a stage where I get painful calfs /muscle twitches/burning skin sensation on my top thighs. And also my forearms... past few days have been hell as I've read this could be lyme disease which can lay dormant and be triggered buy antibiotics and is really hard to find with blood tests ... I have an amazing wife and 3 year old daughter and feel like ending it all just so they can carry on without me dragging them into this pit hole I'm in. Having another blood test now .....
  5. Lizzy

    Lizzy Well known member


    Please spend some time thinking about the pit hole your wife and daughter will be in if they had to carry on with out you. People never get over a suicide in someone close to them, including someone your daughter's age. If your post wasn't idle talk, please get professional help, because you can get better and they need you, even if you feel like they don't. Do a search on those left behind and how difficult it is for them.
    Snowman and JanAtheCPA like this.
  6. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I couldn't put it better than Lizzy, Snowman. Please listen to her, find yourself a mind - body therapist, and for God's sake stop googling your symptoms, because doing that feeds the negativity that your primitive fearful brain wants you to experience. You've got to be willing to fight back, but you can't do that by yourself.
    Snowman, MindBodyPT and Lizzy like this.
  7. EileenS

    EileenS Well known member

    I am copying and pasting my reply about Cipro from another posting I just made. Please listen to me a JanAthe CPA about cipro because I think you annd some others are thinking themselves into anxiety and symptoms.
    I want people to know that many people who take Ciprofloxacin don't have a reaction. I have been reading a few postings on this site lately about the drug being terrible and with enough postings, that can lead to people getting symptoms from it just through their mind alone. It is a powerful drug, but there are even stronger drugs and you have to weigh the consequences of not taking it. All drugs can give some people a bad reaction. I also really have to question how someone can attribute symptoms to it when they took the drug 2 years ago.

    I took Ciprofloxacin 2 years ago and it cured my recurring infection. I had absolutely no side effects. For a few years I had been getting a urinary tract infection about every 6 months and the doctor would give me something for it, but not cipro. A week before going on a 10 day trip I came down with another UTI and was given probably the usual drug for treatment. Partway into my travels after finishing the meds I started feeling not good 'down there'. Then it became obvious the UTI was back with a vengeance as I felt sick and my urine was red. I went to an emergency clinic where doctor did tests and gave what he called 'the big guns' to get rid of the raging infection because the usual drug that was prescribed back home hadn't worked. ('the big guns' it was in Alberta, our cowboy province. lol) I continued on my trip, felt better quite quickly, and have never had a UTI since. A few months later I read on this site people talking about Ciprofloxacin and all its terrible side effects and I thought, "I'm glad I didn't read this when I was taking it as it might have scared me into getting symptoms."
    Lizzy and JanAtheCPA like this.
  8. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    "I know..." is the equivalent of "Yes, but...." and "Yes, but...." is the oldest (and lamest) excuse to stay stuck, instead of making the effort to get unstuck.

    I feel for you, NameK, I really do, because I know how hard this is, but you have allowed your fearful brain to totally be in control of your thoughts - and as difficult as it is to change that and to fight back, YOU have to take control, and stop the barrage of negativity. Find some constructive messages to give yourself! Sometimes these are called affirmations - although that word has come to connote a bit of a "woo-woo" orientation that does not properly express the power of positive and constructive self-talk. It works, if you're committed to believing the truth about your TMS, and if you have faith that you can heal yourself.

    Speaking of which, also recommended: the Louise Hay movie, You Can Heal Yourself. I borrowed the DVD from my library years ago - not sure if it's streaming somewhere...
  9. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Yes I'lm starting to realize that I was being silly obessily googling sometime that is pretty rare and most people on the internet aren't doctors. I've stopped googling anything related to my health and I'm trying to eat healthier as well
    EileenS and Lizzy like this.
  10. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Also ever since I was reading about it my anxiety has been worse,my sleep quality hasn't been the greatest,and my left leg feels weak numb and tingly muscle twitches but its probably because I was reading about it. I was fine before why would that start now?
  11. Snowman

    Snowman Peer Supporter

    Feeling better past few days . Thank you Lizzy and Jan. Few bad days as I came off citalopram. And on another now. Tapping helps me and affirmations...
  12. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    That's good to hear I'm feeling better today then i did yesterday I noticed how my back doesn't hurt now but my foot and knee pain is back left side only. I'm not sure if it's in my joint or the muscle
    Lizzy likes this.
  13. Lizzy

    Lizzy Well known member

    Snowman, I'm so glad to hear that. Coming off meds can be a very vulnerable time as your brain adjusts. Tapping and affirmations are doing much to help many people here on the wiki.

    I'm glad you're back is no longer the brain's choice, but try not to label what is going on with your body. Instead just label it somatic, Mindbody, or something like that. Keep on learning about yourself and what you need for your inner self to be soothed and feel safe.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  14. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    1. This doesn't matter, but your primitive brain loves the fact that you are wasting your time and energy obsessing over this type of detail!

    2. What Lizzy says. She knows what she's talking about!
    Lizzy likes this.
  15. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Lizzy likes this.
  16. Snowman

    Snowman Peer Supporter

    Thank you Jan...
    I've read that post lots to help me on bad days . Just as we all know the brain puts thoughts of "but what if I'm different "and then you go into the hole again and look at dr Google again . And think and maybe I'm the 1% then .. Thank you again for the reply tho. Hope all is well .
  17. NameK

    NameK Well known member

    Yes i actually saw that post a week ago and it really spoke to me I definitely spend way too much time on dr. Google and it's not healthy for me. I need to spend time doing more positive things in my life

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