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Introduction. Really need some emotional support right now.

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by LouVes, Oct 28, 2018.

  1. healingfromchronicpain

    healingfromchronicpain Well known member

    I know this thread is a little old, but I came across it while searching “Cannabis oil” (I’ll post separately about that), but I was wondering how you were doing.

    I understand what you say when you ask about what good will more talking to a therapist do. I did talk therapy and, intellectually, I got it ... yes my childhood issues seemed to be a key component to my chronic physical pain. And I cried and talked and talked and cried. But it didn’t reduce my pain. Instead, it was mind-body bodywork that truly tapped into how my body was physically holding in the emotional pain. And once my body felt it—truly felt the connection between my hidden emotions and my pain—then my pain dramatically decreased. (It was specifically John Barnes myofascial release that helped me so much, but I believe there are other Mind-Body approaches that might probably work too). I also did some EMDR work and Somatic Experiencing (SE) which helped some too.

    I had no idea what was deeply hidden until my body revealed it. More talking might have worked eventually, but bodywork somehow was like a direct line to the subconscious source of my emotionally fed physical pain.

    But unfortunately my pain hasn’t completely disappeared yet, but at least the bodywork tapped into something that talking couldn’t (at least that was/is the case for me).

    If you’re interested, I’ve described my journey in more detail on my personal website: https://healingfromchronicpain.com.

    I’d be interested to hear how you are doing now. And I hope your feeling better!

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