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Intro coccyx pain nightmare

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Vampire80, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. Vampire80

    Vampire80 Newcomer

    Hello all, I’ll try not to be too wordy as I just found this site and don’t know exactly what it’s all about. I’m 38, I’ve been suffering with pain in my tailbone for the past almost 6 years following the birth of my first child. It was a smooth normal delivery, small baby under 6 lbs. I’m petite about 5’3’’ 115 lbs. I noticed the pain one day after I stood up from the couch when feeding my baby, it was a sharp pain I’d never felt. The rest is sort of a blur all I know is I kept thinking “will this ever go away?” And it did not. Finally about a year later I got my first cortisone injection with fluoroscopy from a tailbone specialist and it actually gave me great relief for over a year. Lasted through my whole second pregnancy and then a few months after it was back. Over the past 3 years I’ve had 3 more steroid shots, a ganglion impar nerve block, MRI (showed nothing remarkable besides a slightly tilted tailbone which later my PT convinced me shouldn’t matter). I found a pelvic floor PT who was lovely and got me out of the fear provoking thoughts drs lead me to, and insisted it was muscular from years of “guarding” from being afraid of pain. I believed it and felt some relief immediately however that was short lived and it returned. I got fed up and tried chiropractic, Accupuncture, massage therapy all with not much relief. I am at the point where I’m depressed thinking about this pain every moment of the day. I can’t sit on soft surfaces without feeling pain and as if my butt is kind of slumped into this painful position. I can’t have my kids on my lap, I can’t take long car rides, go on any rides with my kids, ride a bike, I can’t even do a sit up anymore. It even hurts laying down now. I just went last week for another injection and nerve block but in my heart I believe it’s mostly mental, tension and anxiety I am holding in this area and I am frustrated beyond belief that I cannot let it go. Any help or experiences would be so greatly appreciated! Thank you.
  2. Bingo2500

    Bingo2500 New Member

    Hi, Have you read Dr. Sarno's book? Also have you ever tried meditation? Meditation will help you calm your mind and let you see just what your thoughts are. Just sit quietly and let thoughts come into your mind without judgement. Try to relax your body and just sit or picture something nice that you love. Do this every day for at least 20 minutes. Journaling helps some people to see what they are thinking. Try to keep your thoughts off the pain and on the emotions you are feeling. The pain is a distraction from your emotions. Let yourself feel anything without judgement. So sorry for your pain. I had horrible pain in my lower body for over 7 years from a fall on the ice on my tailbone area. I am healed now, but my healing actually started with meditation and then Dr. Sarno's book completed my healing. You can heal.
    plum likes this.
  3. Ewok2

    Ewok2 Peer Supporter

    Welcome :)

    Use the search feature and in the success stories section you will find a story about a woman who cured herself of tailbone pain using TMS. I think she is a doctor too.
    Vampire80, Bingo2500 and plum like this.
  4. Vampire80

    Vampire80 Newcomer

    Hi! Thank you for your kind support and I am so glad you are healed, it gives me hope! I did just order Dr Sarno’s book “healing back pain” it should arrive tomorrow I’m excited to get into it. I have tried meditation and I’m so bad at it lol. It’s honestly so hard for me to relax and slow down my thoughts which may be a lot of my problem. I intend to try again though! I will try your advice though. I thank you so so much.
    Bingo2500 likes this.
  5. Bingo2500

    Bingo2500 New Member

    No worry, everyone is bad at meditation at first. I couldn't believe all the noise in my head when I started. It will start to obey you more as you practice it every day. The practice is to be still for awhile and just watch, no judgement like I'm doing this wrong. Just watch the thoughts, including that one. Lol. Once your mind sees you are serious, it will calm. Wishing all the best for you. Never give up, you will heal. Dr. Sarno was a wonderful man.
  6. Vampire80

    Vampire80 Newcomer

    Thank you! That’s actually excellent advice for meditating and makes sense to me. Going to give it another go :)
    Bingo2500 likes this.
  7. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    You can absolutely heal from tailbone pain, even an injury. Read the books. "The Great Pain Deception," by Steven Ozanich is excellent. You can get Sarno books on CD. I play them while I make dinner or get dressed, etc. You have to get the message deep into your subconscious. Let it seep in.
  8. Vampire80

    Vampire80 Newcomer

    Thank you! I’ll be honest and say it’s all a little intimidating because I am very stuck in my head, racing thoughts kind of person. At the moment hearing people say things like that makes me worried I won’t get there but I’m sure as hell gonna try :) and the audio books are a great idea for me as sometimes I don’t have time to read every single day. Thanks a million!
    MWsunin12 likes this.
  9. MWsunin12

    MWsunin12 Beloved Grand Eagle

    One thing that really helped me was to say to myself, even out loud: "I am willing to believe this is 100% psychological." I would say that probably 20 times a day. Your body hears it when your mind keeps saying it.
    Lynn S and Vampire80 like this.
  10. Vampire80

    Vampire80 Newcomer

    I’ve been trying to do exactly that! Thank you :)
    MWsunin12 likes this.
  11. Lynn S

    Lynn S Peer Supporter

    Dear Vampire. There's not much I can say when we have this wonderful opportunity to use this program to heal when we choose to follow it. Additionally, you may discover the root cause of your anxiety may be connected to all things connected to your physical being such as basic needs that make you feel secure. This can often effect our root chakra and manifest in physical ways. If this speaks to you google how to clean and balance this area.

    I can relate to your frustration beyond belief. You say you can't let it go. Please trust and have faith that that things can happen for us in spite of what we perceive we're capable of accomplishing on our own.
  12. Vampire80

    Vampire80 Newcomer

    Lynn S thank you!! That certainly does speak to me, and I plan on googling what you suggest. I started reading Sarno book last night and couldn’t put it down. I couldn’t believe how spot on it was. It gave me more confidence that what I’m dealing with really is TMS so I think that will help me be more open to it.
    Lynn S and Bingo2500 like this.

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