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Intro + Can TMS & RSI coexist?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Viridian, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Viridian

    Viridian Peer Supporter

    Thanks so much guys, this forum is keeping me on track when I need it most! Very grateful for everyone’s help and guidance.
  2. Viridian

    Viridian Peer Supporter

    I feel like I've had a huge breakthrough in the last day or so. I mean, I still feel like absolute crap physically and my anxiety is raging like never before, but a realisation has set in - I came into this just wanting to fix my hands, but what I really need to do is soothe and mend my soul. I've treated myself like crap and a whole new way of being is what is needed. I can't even believe I'm saying this but I'm actually looking forward to life again.
  3. David88

    David88 Well known member

    Wonderful! You've got it exactly.
  4. Tms_joe

    Tms_joe Well known member

    That’s progress. Letting go of what you have perceived or pushed for your future to look like apply that mindset to all aspects of your life. That anxiety will lift. Don’t focus on the pain as an indicator of progress. It’s more a lagging indicator of improving mental state.
    Viridian and Lizzy like this.
  5. ladyofthelake

    ladyofthelake Peer Supporter

    I found that I was not able to get out of pain if I continued to entertain any hint of "physical" causes for my pain. Even a sliver of distraction into the physical cause/cure would fuel the pain.
    Viridian and cdub like this.
  6. Viridian

    Viridian Peer Supporter

    Thanks guys. I went back to work on Thursday doing half days. The first day was good but I struggled yesterday and was in pain a lot despite really focusing on my anxiety and doing a lot of somatic tracking. Fear has really crept back in and I’m panicking that I’ll get tendinitis again and will need more time off work, won’t be able to support my family etc!

    It’s been a rough road. Just starting to read the power of now so hopefully that’ll give me some new insight.
    cdub likes this.
  7. cdub

    cdub Peer Supporter

    How's it going? I feel like I'm in the same boat as you. Back at work now and the arm and hand pain are coming back bad. Trying to remind myself that it's TMS.
  8. Viridian

    Viridian Peer Supporter

    Hey there, in terms of reducing physical pain it’s going great - most of the time I am relatively pain free. I’m back at work full time and can play guitar no problem at all. Certain situations can trigger it, sometimes when i’m stressed at work the pain comes back but it’s more of a dull ache or cold hands nowadays. I’ve also had some odd symptom substitutions such as a twitching eye and minor back pain. I’ve also noticed my blepharitis and IBS clears up almost completely when I’m happy, then returns when I’m stressed.

    The downside is that I’m suffering with chronic anxiety as a result, which has been very hard. I’m seeing a Sirpa TMS therapist every other week, I’m not sure how beneficial that has been yet - we don’t even talk about physical pain, it’s more bringing historic emotions and trying to get in touch with my emotions.

    Things which have definitely helped are the recovery programme on here, the curable app (I meditate every day now), reincorporating joy into life and thinking about pain in a purely psycological way. If an activity causes pain, tell yourself ‘this is purely psychological, you’re safe’ whist doing it - notice whenever you’re in pain there is that undercurrent of anxiety or emotion in your chest or wherever. It’s just a signal from your mind. Learn to not give a fuck about the pain and over time the mind stops using it as a signal once you’ve debunked it enough times. Good luck!
    cdub likes this.
  9. cdub

    cdub Peer Supporter

    Awesome. Sounds great! I wish I've gotten the progress you've had.

    Still have burning fingers and hands and shoulders. Tingling fingertips too. And wrist pain. Fun fun. I'm trying to remind myself that it's just psychological but it's hard. Still worry at times that I'm doing myself harm.

    The one nagning physical symptom I have that is a barrier is the creaky finger and wrists I have. Creaky elbow too. I can feel my tendons or joints just rubbing sometimes. Or at least I think that's what it is. No pain with the movement though and the MRI was normal. Go figure.
  10. Viridian

    Viridian Peer Supporter

    Tell your mind that all these things you’re doing are safe. Write down all the things that make no medical sense in an evidence diary and debunk the pain. When I pick up my phone and feel a pang of pain I just say, ‘it’s safe to use a phone!’ and carry on. If you’re getting overwhelmed and it still hurts, take a break, do some deep breathing and try to ask your unconcious what is the message behind the pain.
    Titus Groan, Baseball65 and cdub like this.
  11. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Viridian. I have been following this string and Titus Groan 's string because my GF is having the same exact to the tee symptoms as you guys'. It looks like wrist stuff is the new back pain.

    Read about your anxiety issues and symptom switcheroo. I had all of those. I actually had to go to get help for my ANGER after my symptoms went away. My pain went away so fast it left a few decades worth of RAGE naked and all alone. I found a good therapist and that stuff went away too...almost as fast as the pain. It's like a barometer...the free-er you get the more you have to keep check on the pressure, but it's still a great trade.
    Glad to see you moving along
    cdub, Titus Groan and Viridian like this.
  12. Viridian

    Viridian Peer Supporter

    This sounds so similar to what i’ve been going through recently - In the abscence of the pain a sudden chronic anxiety and phobia taking it’s place. I’ve been seeing a Mindbody-style therapist but gonna switch to a hypnotist/CBT therapist soon!
    cdub likes this.
  13. Viridian

    Viridian Peer Supporter

    Hello all, hope you're doing well.

    So after a few recent challenges, I've inexplicably had a real crisis of confidence in the whole TMS thing. I'm suddenly worrying my symptoms are due to physical reasons again!

    I started trying to work out again a little - just some core strength exercises, some light kettlebells and BOOM - back in pain and worrying it's RSI.

    My initial symptoms two years back came on during a time I was using the gym heavily, could it be that my mind still associates that activity with danger?

    I'm obviously still struggling to get over the fear of TMS symptoms occurring and the risk they hold to me.

    The doubt in my mind over the whole thing is now raging though. I feel like I've made big changes to my life but cannot consistently beat stress/anxiety and consequently pain.

    Has anyone else dealt with a roadblock like this?


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