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In need of support

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by rxstevens, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. rxstevens

    rxstevens New Member

    Hey everyone it has been awhile since i have posted in the forums. I have been dealing with a rebound of symptoms with massive increases of stress in the past couple of weeks. This rebound has been quite discouraging and I really just need some support. With the return of pain a massive rebound of fear has arrived which is harder to deal with for me. I know I have TMS but it is still a tiring hard journey that few people understand. Thank you for any and all encouragement or tips on how to endure a rebound. God bless.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  2. Ryan

    Ryan Well known member

    Hang in there buddy, it's all part of the healing process. Perserverance and faith golong way. Unless your lucky and get the book cure. My journey has been filled with ups and downs, your not alone.

    It's the fear of the pain that makes things worse. You begin to feel that you will not heal and then the doubt begins to set in. Try to ground yourself and relax, everything will be ok. Acceptance for where you are is powerful. Try not to fight and accept. If you are struggling with fear try reading "Hope and Help for your Nerves". This has helped me a lot.

    Something else that has helped me is to know that pain and suffering make you a better person. It is always when you make it through tough trials in life is when things get better. If your a spiritual person, throw your doubts and worries to god. He will help u through tough times.

    You have inside of you what it takes to heal. Just trust in yourself and let go of all the doubt. Try to live life in the moment and enjoy each day, even when it's hard. Find your purpose in life, we all have one. Best of luck and never give up, things will get better.

    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Ryan, I love your reply. Consider yourself hugged. It's great to read that you recommend the spiritual course to healing,
    throwing our doubts and worries to god. I don't think it was an accident that the U.S. Treasury Department put this slogan
    on one of their coins: "In God we trust."

    And I think God gave us Claire Weekes so she could write her great book, Hope and Help for Your Nerves.
  4. Ryan

    Ryan Well known member

    Thanks Walt same to you. You are so right how god gave us Weekes for her wisdom. God heals through people and we never heal alone. We are all put here to help one another and all have a purpose on this earth. You give some great words of wisdom and I appreciate your title of you and Herbie's book. I believe spirituality is a big part of tms healing, some may disagree but to each his own. I am going to read your book in about a couple weeks. Love your comment about "In God we Trust."
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  5. Leslie735

    Leslie735 Well known member

    I love reading how you are letting God help you heal, I need to rely on God a whole lot more. "Instead of worrying, pray about it." So true!
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  6. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    God is there to heal us 24-7 and makes house calls. No fee, either.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  7. walter-z

    walter-z New Member

    I agree with you Ryan, but how to ground myself? What is a good way for grounding myself? After many Ups I am now experiencing awful Downs. I hope they are part of an extinction burst. I'd be very happy for some suggestions how to ground myself.
    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.
  8. Ryan

    Ryan Well known member


    When I say grounded I'm talking about in terms of faith in god, higher power, or whatever you may believe in.being grounded will give you the strength to know you will not be given more than you can handle and give you hope that things will get better. This will not happen over night, it's a marathon not a sprint. For me I considered this a life long journey that will never end. Ups and downs are perfectly normal, I went through a bunch of them. Just trust in yourself and relax, everything will be ok. I know this is hard, especially when you keep having good days and bad days, in time you will get better. Just focus on the positive progress you make and look how far you have come on this journey. We are what we believe.

    Eric "Herbie" Watson likes this.

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