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I'm trying to be a content creator but OCD and maybe other things are making my life hard.

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by stevow7, Apr 11, 2022.

  1. stevow7

    stevow7 Well known member

    I fear of a lot of things, I fear of joking because what if I lie? what if I say something and then I lie? what if I say I like a game, but not much? im lying if I dont go specific. I want to joke, I want to talk freely, I want to be me. I don't lie to hurt people, but what if I say I ate one chip, but actually ate two when in reality it doesnt matter how many? or what if I said something like "ha! thats what she/he said!" no one said, its a joke. I don't want to say o ok im joking.

    I fear of talking sometimes and feel like I have to pray and appologize a lot of the times because I think I sinned or lied and then I get into ocd.

    another thing is making thumbnails, like when I take a picture if the character is not doing exactly how it moves or use the exact same amount of stamina in the video or picture I think im lying or sinning even thought probably no one notice a difference if theres an edit of stamina and doesnt even matter in the video how much stamina was used during the stamina run.

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