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IBS Study

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Brevity, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. Brevity

    Brevity Newcomer

    Has anyone seen the new study about IBS being discussed on BBC Uk news this morning. Linking IBS
    to anxiety. Study shows "shared genetic origins with genes possibly leading to physical changes in brain or nerve cells that cause symptoms in the brain and symptoms in the gut". Do you think that people that
    suffer TMS have a genetic component?
  2. Bitzalel Brown

    Bitzalel Brown Peer Supporter

    Genetics could definitely play a role as a "loaded gun" creating predisposition to TMS. But you can hold a loaded gun indefinitely without ever firing a shot. We know that psychological illnesses have been linked to genetics and there also clearly a social/ psychological influence on people to develop TMS. I have even witnessed differences between cultures in their TMS susceptibility. But the proof ultimatley is in the results of many with IBS that have overcome it with TMS understanding and work.
    TG957 and Ellen like this.
  3. Brevity

    Brevity Newcomer

    Yes I agree about genetics. I have 'bad genes' in my family but I know/hope that does not mean they will be triggered. I thought it was important that this study linked IBS to emotions (anxiety) and how it leads to changes in the brain.
  4. Bitzalel Brown

    Bitzalel Brown Peer Supporter

    Yes your right it is important that we see the connection between IBS and emotions
  5. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    I definitely think my IBS was brought on by stress and anxiety! I am now paying a big price trying to deal with it...pain and severe weight loss.
  6. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I believe that there is a double pre-disposition in play.

    First, there is one observed long ago by Dr. Sarno, who identified TMS personality: uptight, perfectionist, people pleaser, easily anxious or obsessive. Those are the traits that may be highly influenced by the environment, but certainly have a genetic component to it. Otherwise, it is hard to explain how kids may grow with the same parents in the same family but turn out differently as adults.

    But then there is a second pre-disposition, it defines your body's weakest link. For some, it is stomach, for others, it can be spine or migraines. When life stresses strike, they attacks the weakest link. In my case, it was tight muscles, tension migraines and back pain, for others it is IBS.

    This is why the actual symptoms are often irrelevant. Once you learn how to handle the stresses of your life correctly, the first pre-disposition, as @Bitzalel Brown so well explained, becomes irrelevant, because you remove the bullet out of the gun.
    TrustIt and Bitzalel Brown like this.
  7. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    Hoping someone can help me get through this. It's Thanksgiving day and I am experiencing horrible IBS and anxiety. My kids/grands are here and I have had such fear that I won't feel well while they are here and have brought this on myself. But I can't calm down. I know I brought this on myself. They make no demands, but I do of myself. I got almost no sleep last night. Up drinking camomille and marshmallow root tea. Not helping. I'm nauseaus and when I stand and walk I get a huge energy drain and lightheaded. I am miserable! If anyone is up and has anything to offer, I would certainly appreciate it.

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