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I think I might have TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Jimmy123, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. Jimmy123

    Jimmy123 Newcomer

    Hi I think I might have TMS but I’m not entirely sure. I’ve been having pain in my hands and arms for ages. I bought Dr Sarno’s book, The Mindbody Prescription and I believe that the pain is caused by my anxieties, as the pain will move around my body to my chest, shoulders and my ankles when I feel anxious and stressed. The pain gets especially bad in my left ankle as I injured it a couple of years ago. I also get pain not long after playing games, so I take breaks. I also get pain when I think about playing games. aSt the moment the pain is really bad in my right arm, wrist and hand but I can’t think of anything that has caused it as I haven’t played games for a few days. The pain only got this bad a couple of days ago. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks.
    Velvet_Hidden likes this.
  2. Velvet_Hidden

    Velvet_Hidden Peer Supporter

    Hi welcome to the forum :)
    After reading your self analysis of how you notice your pain fluctuating around, it appears your very open to the fact you may have TMS.
    On the TMSwiki they have a section that has info on how to reach to TMS Doctor in your area who can help determine for sure if you have TMS or not.

    heres the link
    https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/Find_a_TMS_Doctor_or_Therapist (Find a TMS Doctor or Therapist)

    there's also a an section on this site called Ask a TMS Therapist
    http://www.tmswiki.org/forum/forums/ask-a-tms-therapist.47/ (Ask a TMS Therapist)

    where you can get answers from TMS Therapist who volunteer their time...

    hopes this helps

    Best Wishes Ahead!

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