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I figured out my triggers. How do I overcome them?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Style, Sep 14, 2022.

  1. Style

    Style New Member

    Hi everyone,

    So today I had a major breakthrough in how I realized my TMS/pain manifests. I could never understand why I sometimes felt pain during activities, and sometimes didn't. For instance, if I am working (where I have to stand for long periods of time) then I will have immense upper back pain. Contrarily, if I am on a hike, even if it is a rather long one (4-6 hours) I will get no pain. Similarly, if I am playing guitar I won't get any back/neck/forearm pain unless I am forcing myself to practice.

    So what I have realized is that I only get pain when I am doing something that I don't feel like doing, whether it be practice or work or a long walk etc. It feels amazing to finally make this realization, but how do I overcome this pain? Should I just work right through it, to tell my body that I am the one in control?

    Booble likes this.
  2. TG957

    TG957 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Working right through it can be one option. Another one is to analyze why you get pain when you are working. Is it because you hate your job? Would it be possible to resolve your cognitive dissonance by changing a career, switching jobs etc? As for the hobbies, like playing guitar - do you really have to force yourself to practice if it is just a hobby?
  3. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Remember the basic theory that the pain or other symptom is created for a psychological reason. Our primitive brains want us to always be fearful and alert for danger instead of dwelling on emotions. As TG957 said, you want to ask yourself what your brain doesn't want you to think about. Since this is showing up in both your work and your leisure activities, and seems to be related to things you "should" do, perhaps examine your emotions around the concepts of freedom and meaning in your life. These are good topics for expressive writing, and for examining childhood expectations around accomplishments and life goals. Just some thoughts.
  4. Booble

    Booble Beloved Grand Eagle

    Great job with this breakthrough! The realization alone might also help. When you notice the pain, you can tease your brain with....."I don't HAVE to do this, I GET to!" And go about your work or practice.

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