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I don't understand

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Loui, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Loui

    Loui New Member


    I posted a few threads lately and thanks for the replies.

    I still don't understand a basic thing - the body is a 'machine'. Every machine (car, dish washer, plane etc.) has rules how to maintain it in a optimal way.

    I think everyone here will agree that if you lift up a 50 kilo box 100 times using your back - something harmful or even very harmful will happen to you.
    If somebody doesn't agree with that - please post a video of you doing that :)

    How can you say - resume all activities, run as much as you want, all pain is TMS etc. - when maybe there is a *real* structural problem inside. And even if there isn't - how can you do all activities without learning basic things like how to run properly, how to balance properly, how to use your muscles etc. - things that you learn in physiotherapy, feldenkrais, sports education etc.

    I'll be happy to understand this.

  2. bur

    bur New Member

    How can you resume all activities?
    You have to rule out structural problems first. So visit your doctor if you're not sure yet.
    Furthermore, I think you should add the adjective "normal" to the sentence. I do not think lifting a 50 kg box 100 times is normal activity. So I would not do that.
  3. miffybunny

    miffybunny Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Loui,

    Unless you have a broken bone or an infection or something concrete, it's TMS. As far as what is "normal" that is relative. Some people run marathons and that is normal for them. Some people are Olympic athletes or body builders but that doesn't mean those activities are realistic for you. We are not machines that can be switched on and off like an appliance. There are factors of age, conditioning, overall health, weight etc. The idea is to go back to doing what you always did (tennis, cleaning the house, golf, exercise etc etc..)

    Hope that helps!
    Lizzy likes this.
  4. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    I second all that bur and miffybunny have said.

    I think that it has to be about being sensible. If all you've done for many months or even years (because of back or leg pain or whatever) is gently potter about your house and occasionally walk to a mail box that's located not too far from your home, then you will almost certainly have lost some muscle strength and stamina...So, if you suddenly decided to jog around the block for a mile each morning it wouldn't be beyond the realms that you could possibly cause yourself some structural damage...

    Dr Sarno talked somewhat about TMS being due to the brain/mind causing mild oxygen deprivation to the muscles and other tissues in order to cause pain...And in his book 'The Hidden Psychology of Pain: The Use of Understanding to Heal Chronic Pain' https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hidden-Psy...1535658155&sr=8-1&keywords=dr+james+alexander Dr James Alexander expands on this and says that with oxygen deprivation if you overdo things it may cause muscles tears...So, from that, I deduce that it's likely to be best not to overdo things...Consider gradually building up to doing more and more of the things that were once 'normal' for you - It should still show your brain that you mean business.
    Free of Fear and Lizzy like this.
  5. Aaricia

    Aaricia Peer Supporter

    Hi there!

    So I'm dealing with TMS for the second time in my life and from my first episode I remember that the pain in my hand was moving around. If I would put a dot with a pen in a spot where I feel the pain at the end of the day they would look like a ladybug.
    So all the things like I did early without pain - opening the door, dancing, lifting small weights were normal but they were causing pain - this is TMS. MRI showed a lot of broken stuff in my hands but there was no pain earlier in my life and no accident happened that might cause the pain.

    I work as an x-ray tech and I see many people dealing with different types of pain, broken bones etc. It amazes me how often I see perfect lumbar spine but the patient is in pain and next time I see one with almost fused vertebras because there is no discs but patient comes for broken insulin needle that has be found in his belly and doesn't complain about back pain at all. I see it every day. People has so many broken things in their bodies and live normal life having no idea about it. It's even more interesting when I work in MRI.

    Good luck!
    miffybunny likes this.
  6. Free of Fear

    Free of Fear Well known member

    I second BloodMoon, I think that pacing is important. I know that some people go from years of inactivity and intense chronic back pain to one month later running a marathon - it's so great it worked for them, but I don't think it should be held as the standard. Even if a person isn't injuring themselves going on a run, they might be blowing beyond their lowered pain threshold, and could be self-defeating. (See Butler and Moseley's book Explain Pain for this explanation, which argues, along with many others, that chronic pain essentially becomes a brain disorder.)

    And your point about proper form and whatnot - I agree, one should work on proper movement form. Todd Hargrove has a great blog and book, Better Movement, inspired by Feldenkrais and pain science, which discusses this.
    BloodMoon likes this.
  7. Steve Ozanich

    Steve Ozanich TMS Consultant

    No one can heal while simultaneously protecting "the body" and its false perception (veil of delusion) of demise. The body is not a machine it is an energy, ie, the effect of consciousness. It's a simple physical framework that runs on emotions (the effects of thoughts). Overdoing anything is incongruous with peace. Siddhartha said "the middle way," Christ hung on the middle cross, the power point is always at the center, and Malcome was in the middle.

    One thing is for certain, disease does not exist per se, and pain is only an effect. Those who seek solutions will suffer. The only path to freedom from suffering is to see deeper. All of the "programs" tips, tricks and techniques add to the suffering and are never permanent solutions. Light alone heals.
    miffybunny likes this.
  8. intense50

    intense50 Well known member

    It's frustrating because in the last two years I have been running relatively pain free and now I get very sore back muscles and sore ness after running. Suffered severe IT band band during my first marathon at 27 km. You would think I would be less affected now that I am " in shape".

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