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Hypnosis for TMS

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Phil W, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. Phil W

    Phil W New Member

    Hi there,

    I used the TMS approach to recover from CFS, IBS and PoTs before I knew about Sarno, this terminology or the links between chronic pain and chronic fatigue.

    As part of this, I used hypnosis to recover.

    I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has used hypnosis as part of their recovery.

    I have started to create free hypnosis sessions and videos now to help others out of CFS, gut conditions and pain, please do take a look at my most recent hypnosis.

    Hope it helps!

    (I'll publish more if I see there's an appetite for it!)
    Heavenly, Enrique and BloodMoon like this.
  2. BloodMoon

    BloodMoon Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Phil,

    I'm currently using Nicole Sach's 'JournalSpeak' method, having just bought her book (I'm not sure if you will already know, but she was a patient of John Sarno and journaled herself to being pain free). She recommends participating in some form of relaxation exercise/session of one's choice for around 10 minutes a day after a daily journaling session of at least 20 minutes a day. I'm going to try out using your hypnosis video for this purpose. I find the hypnosis and binaural beats etc., videos on the Minds In Unison YouTube channel really calming and relaxing, the best I've tried, but sadly none of them are specifically geared for TMS work, so, although I can't speak for others on this forum, personally I would welcome videos of a similar quality that are specifically for TMS.
  3. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    It is my understanding that
    @MatthewNJ is a mind/body coach and hypnotherapist? He was once a guest on TMS Roundtable discussing his skill set.
  4. MatthewNJ

    MatthewNJ Well known member

    You are correct. I am an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist in Heart Centered Hypnosis. I have been using it as a client as well since 2014
    TG957 likes this.
  5. Heavenly

    Heavenly Peer Supporter

    I’ve been in hypnotherapy for two years to treat my complex trauma or inner child. It’s been a long healing journey but I’m making progress every day!
    I’ll listen to your video and see how it makes me feel.
  6. zachary1

    zachary1 New Member

    Hello I’ve been dealing with TMS for years on and off. Felt like something popped in my knee playing tennis. It stopped me from playing because of pain and stiffness. It’s now swelled up pretty substantially. Normally I’m no problem believing emotional structural. The pain was really where the IT band attaches, not in the knee joint. Anyways, struggling but I think it’s TMS. It’s the swelling, throwing me off .
  7. MatthewNJ

    MatthewNJ Well known member

    WELL DONE. keep at it. it's a journey :)
  8. MatthewNJ

    MatthewNJ Well known member

    If it were ne I'd
    rule out the physical. this could absolutely be TMS or a true knee injury. That could need something as simple as rest or PT . Just because you see a doctor and get an x-ray and get an MRI doesn't mean you have to follow his advice.
  9. zachary1

    zachary1 New Member

    I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t wanna get an MRI because I’m almost 60 I guarantee you would find something on it to hang hat on. Im gonna ride it out for another week. Swelling gone down today.

    Thanks for your response you gave me more confident that I’m right. I love this forum.

  10. MatthewNJ

    MatthewNJ Well known member

    hi Jim, lmk how it goes. :)
    you got this

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