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How to treat Cubital Tunnel Syndrome in both arms simultaneously

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Guitar Binge, May 5, 2024.

  1. Guitar Binge

    Guitar Binge New Member

    My cubital tunnel syndrome recently flared up in both elbow and i'm trying to figure out how to better them. I know elbow braces are a common first step when you go to sleep however I cannot wear one on each arm I need at least one arm free so i have started wearing my right arm braced to sleep overnight and my left arm braced during the day. Does that sound like a good approach Or does anyone have suggestions? I've only been doing it for a few days.. After a day or so I thought I saw an improvement but kind of feel like It's maybe worsened again. It still has only been a few days. Should I keep this approach up maybe for a week and see how it goes or any suggestions? I guess I can try to just treat one arm at a time in the sense of wearing a brace mostly on one arm consistently until it gets better than switching but don't know if that would be a good idea.

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