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How to Gain Confidence in Yourself

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Chuck, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Chuck

    Chuck Peer Supporter

  2. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    What a great video!!!
    Thank You.
  3. Chuck

    Chuck Peer Supporter

    Isn't it!!!! It is pretty awesome to see someone to respond to this. I kind of forgot about posting this video. There are a lot of times when I see myself as not capable and think that I can't do something, but I have found that everyone is stronger than they think they are. Sometimes it just takes a little inspiration to realize it. Perhaps this is why I enjoy Dr. Zafirides podcast, the Healthy Mind. Once we realize how much power we have, there is nothing that can hold us back.
  4. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    I agree!!

    I am doing my affirmations that really helps. I am transitioning in my life my children are in college and do not need me as much.
    Although I have a profession, I am trying to investigate what will bring me joy and fun. I cannot believe how difficult this is.

    Do you mind telling me a little about what helped you with your symptoms? Did you journal or read any books?
    It seems to really helps me listen to one's strategy to disarm TMS.

    Thanks for your response,

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