1. Our TMS drop-in chat is today (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DST Eastern U.S. (New York). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support. Bonnard is today's host. Click here for more info or just look for the red flag on the menu bar at 3pm Eastern.
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How to add videos to a post

Discussion in 'About This Site' started by Becca, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Becca

    Becca Well known member

    Here's how to add a video from online (YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc) to a post.

    First, highlight and copy the URL (location) of the video:

    Then, in your post, click on the icon that looks like a part of a filmstrip:

    A blue box should pop up. Paste in the video URL where it says Enter media URL and click Embed:

    This generates code that you can type around:

    To see how this video will actually look in your post, click on the Preview button:

    Finish writing, and post. You now have successfully embedded a video!
  2. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    I thought this would be a cool download for relaxing with some great affirmations by Jack Canfield
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is a great video of change from Anthony Robbins

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