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How not to worry about it

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Eric "Herbie" Watson, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Everything we do, every step we make. Even when were out and don’t think we can do it any longer, we still take another step that makes the step to the rd of a thousand miles, in other words never give up. We want everything to be so fast like a race car or the road runner.

    We just need to slow down with some good affirmations and some good meditations. Then as those times go by that only make each day better and better as you practice more and more, you’ll thank me for all the dedication you had to go through, if you’re hurting two months after you’ve been healed then just think of the two months you were healed and you will go back there in your mind and stay there. You will get better; it’s always to this day been just a temporary set-back.

    If something sounds wrong then we can’t think wrong, you will for a day or two but what I’m saying is when you keep your mind there, you’ll just get madder and madder while you’re hurting more and more. Don’t think about the pain or focus on the hurt we say, well how do we say that when we don’t know your pain. Yes we do don’t forget were on the journey with you, all that means is that you’ll be messing up if you keep your mind laser focused on your pain. Try to think of something else if possible. If your like modt tmsers at first your panicking, thinking is this the way my life is going to be-I knowsee if your always talking about it and focusing on it then whats really going to hurt, your messed up thumb the doctor said was credulities from the planet copter and you believed him. Come on I’m not bashing docs but I’ve been through the ringer and I’ve been dealt some low blows, nuff said. On the other hand I have great and high appreciation for our medical heroes in the tms world and beyond, most don’t know or think your mind isn’t that strong when im living proof and so are so many other members from all over the world but remember If we put doubt in the equation -it just takes us longer to heal.

    Were calling those things that be not as though they were till they are. Don’t set around and have worry any more-know now that you see the truth and you will heal. Go about your day-do your normal activities; don’t let the pain keep you from doing what you want to do. I say this knowing you know the truth as how to work it but remember if you’re going to have a heart attack if you try to take a step, don’t do it, it’s all good and gravy, right.

    Were told not to worry about it -then were told to fight it. You have to understand that not to worry means don’t focus on and pay attention to in a way that causes fear thoughts. To fight it means to learn, study and believe you have the answers now, learn the simplicity of acceptance and awareness.

    The fine art of journaling should be one of your main courses but if you’re not a journal er then acceptance and awareness will work if you use them in their extended forms. We need to learn to walk in peace. These concepts are how we heal.If you want to still be hurting 6 months from now-then go about your way and don’t study, don’t practice and don’t love. You’ll probably be worse off but that’s where you put yourself. You have a chance now, what are you going to do with it. Don’t rush anything; the healing will occur when you’re ready. Practice patience too; really know how to be humble and content. This is what it really means when someone says don’t think about the pain. Think about all the affirmations and the peace, etc. This is how we fight, we keep doing the work, reading the daily reminders, Never put a time limit on your healing it will come.
    beachgirl and G.R. like this.
  2. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    I totally agree Eric. When I get frustrated that the pain was better then it tries to come back with intensity, I try to
    train myself not to be concerned and not to focus on the pain. The more I focus on the pain the more it intensifies.
    I like your suggestion of calling things that are not as though they are. Very Powerful!!!! And it works!!

    I think a very important element to one's healing is to get back into life and try to enjoy it. Trying to figure
    out what makes you smile and laugh even during the process of healing is very important. I always try to
    remember the symptoms are always trying to talk to you. That is when it is time to journal rather than get caught
    in just being absorbed into the symptoms.

    Eric, Can you help me here? I see to be having some good days then then the pain intensifies. I do see
    today the symptoms intensified because I actually saw the emotional link. I journal ed. I still have the pain when
    last week I had no pain. I must note the pain has somewhat improved and now I have days it is better. What
    do you think Eric or anyone else. I am refusing to get discouraged but it is not easy.
    Thanks and I so enjoyed that post Eric. Thank You.
  3. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    GR) I totally agree Eric. When I get frustrated that the pain was better then it tries to come back with intensity, I try to
    train myself not to be concerned and not to focus on the pain. The more I focus on the pain the more it intensifies.

    Eric) glad to hear from ya GR, good to know your working the ropes and learning tons as i watch you grow. yes , the more we focus ;the more intensitie, im glad you agree there-its elementary
    ok you said when i get frustrated, well keep reconditioning with acceptance and awareness with mindfulness and affirmations. it wont be long and this battle of the pain will slow doun in its intervals.See we hurt bad, then we hurt like 6 outta 7 days- then 3 otta 7 days- then we feel better 4 otta 7 days till we reack no more issues or very mild. usually even less than before you had the pain. it just didnt bother you as much back then. it didnt have all your focus.

    GR) I like your suggestion of calling things that are not as though they are. Very Powerful!!!! And it works!!

    Eric) yes this works- this is how i live by faith- its always worked, thanks.

    GR) I think a very important element to one's healing is to get back into life and try to enjoy it. Trying to figure out what makes you smile and laugh even during the process of healing is very important.

    Eric) it is very important at a stage in your healing to start your life again, so many give up or try a little when this is full dedication and the good part is its lifes free gifts like love peace and joy that get us there with a full tms understanding of course but we strive in a world of fast cars and fast everything so we have to recondition from that in order to meditate on peace.And its most definatly important to laugh and smile as you start to heal from the beginning, these are the power houses of our healing. another good GR. thanks

    GR) I always try to remember the symptoms are always trying to talk to you.
    That is when it is time to journal rather than get caught in just being absorbed into the symptoms.

    Eric) yes the symtoms are telling you its time to slow doun all the tensive thinking and start thinking about peace and love. Its really that simple. It wants you to catch it and it doesnt even know it (the mechanism is always about love) . I know the mind and mechanism are your help though and their there to point you in the right direction.

    GR) Eric, Can you help me here? I seem to be having some good days
    then then the pain intensifies. I do see today the symptoms intensified because
    I actually saw the emotional link. I journal ed. I still have the pain when last week I had no pain.
    I must note the pain has somewhat improved and now I have days it is better. What
    do you think Eric or anyone else. I am refusing to get discouraged but it is not easy.
    Thanks and I so enjoyed that post Eric. Thank You.

    Eric) its all said above GR. and keep knowing you will heal little by little then leaps and bounds or
    just little by little till you get there , right? it not linear. then keep up with the sarnoian work, never slack there. And practice peace and love all the time-then you got it
    im here GR. if you need anymore info...till then, thanks and bless you.
    nowtimecoach and beachgirl like this.
  4. Max2094

    Max2094 New Member

    Eric "If we put doubt in the equation -it just takes us longer to heal. '

    I have copied the comment above because despite believing I suffer from tms and doing quite a lot of mental work I am continuing to get worse. I cannot think of anything else that would be getting in my way of beating this, Except for doubt that something physical might be the cause of my pain. I have been diagnosed with tms by a doctor and even had doctors and a specialist who dont know of tms conclude that a minor disc bulge at the base of my spine could not be the cause of my pain. The bulge has been there since I was 18 and im now 33. The last 4 years the pain has become chronic, With the pattern now that it is slowly getting more disabling and stronger in intensity after every bad spasm.
    I have stopped all the back exercises and Physiotherapy, Yoga etc and all this has done is lead to more and more restriction of movement and my body feels like im 90 years old. I have tried to journal but cant seem to get past a few days at most then run out of stuff to write about. I can see no connection to the onset of pain and stress, Anger, Sadness etc. However I can connect physical strain to the pain starting and I guess thats where doubt creeps back in. Yesterday i had to unload my car of heavy boxes and take them up 3 flights of stairs for half an hour. The boxes were only about 40 pounds and a few years ago i could do an activity like this all day with no pain whatsoever.So my back was already bothering me as it has done for a long time now but i lifted all the boxes while using affirmations like 'your back is ok' etc and straight after the lifting a lightening bolt of pain took over my low back and the fear and anxiety over the pain took over. I am affected mentally like this over the pain as in the past every bad spasm i have had never really settles and seems to leave me with a stronger intensity of chronic pain. Its as if the chronic pain level is 'topped up' and its extremely hard to tell myself 'you're fine' relax when thats the last thing i feel like. I am reacting to what my past experiences with the pain are and i think thats a natural response. Back goes into spasm, Im left with more pain and discomfort once it settles... How could i not react with fear to that??I am now even seeing a psychotherapist that is familiar with Sarno to help me through this but so far it has not helped. I commented on this post because of what Eric said about doubt.... I have tried to let all my fear go, I have tried to resume sport and exercise only to be struck down with more disabling pain. Pain that comes after activity and physical strain....Not stress or mental strain. So Eric what was your physical diagnosis before you beat your tms? How did you overcome those fears we must all have about an 'injury' when we first learn of tms? Im asking this as right now while im hurting this bad i know deep down despite the fact that the doctors dont think the disc bulge could cause this much pain, Part of me has not yet truly accepted the tms diagnosis 100%. This comes from the pain and how relentless it is. If it had improved even slightly with all the tms work iv'e done then i would push on with confidence, But right now my confidence is not good. I appreciate any ideas/advice? Thanks
  5. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    Max2094)- Eric "If we put doubt in the equation -it just takes us longer to heal. '

    Max2094)- I have copied the comment above because despite believing I suffer from tms and doing quite a lot of mental work I am continuing to get worse.

    Eric) how long have you been doing the mental work? you have to say and do the right mental work ya know

    Max2094)- I cannot think of anything else that would be getting in my way of beating this, Except for doubt that something physical might be the cause of my pain.

    Eric) if you have a hinge that it might be something physical, then you still have the conditioning thats making you hurt- believe and let go of the fear
    of structural damage.

    Max2094)- I have been diagnosed with tms by a doctor and even had doctors and a specialist who dont know of tms conclude that a minor disc bulge at the base of my spine could not be the cause of my pain. The bulge has been there since I was 18 and im now 33.

    Eric) if youve been diagnosed with tms then you have tms, now you have to start reading the reminders every day and know that your not to push yourself to much till you get over this conditioning of the mind and nerves called sensitization.

    Max2094)- The last 4 years the pain has become chronic, With the pattern now that it is slowly getting more disabling and stronger in intensity after every bad spasm.
    I have stopped all the back exercises and Physiotherapy, Yoga etc and all this has done is lead to more and more restriction of movement and my body feels like im 90 years old.

    Eric) pain will only get worse and worse with tensive thinking, you didnt know that you could get better, you were tensed to that,now dont try, but believe that if you do the program you will heal. how long have you been doing sarnos program? if the pain is getting stronger and stronger its from repression,tensive thinking and fear. all of these are conditioners, learn to reverse them with positive affirmations. look at kehoes affirmations on my blog. they will help you calm doun and start to recondition. feeling like a 90 yr old is from the repressions, you have got to face a lot in the past that you dont want to deal with cause you think it will hurt, in retrospect its sarnos definition to a cure and losing any anger that you have toward this dis-ease will help. and dont fear this symptom it will pass if you do as the good doc says and im here to guide you along max.

    Max2094)- I have tried to journal but cant seem to get past a few days at most then run out of stuff to write about. I can see no connection to the onset of pain and stress, Anger, Sadness etc. However I can connect physical strain to the pain starting and I guess thats where doubt creeps back in.

    Eric) journal about your past disapointments- your current stresses (but at this time not the stress of the pain)
    and anything else that is upsetting to you. use the full first week of the tmswiki structural program to teach you how to journal better ok
    this is how you get to those repressions. you cant see the onset of the pain from the anger cause you havent used awareness enough to notice when
    these occurances are happening. the repressions would be the first line of defense here though. the physical strain will always be there till you get a grip on this- we all dont believe this is true because we all start with debilitating pain. trust the program, face your fears, give it time. how long have you been doing the program?

    Max2094)- Yesterday i had to unload my car of heavy boxes and take them up 3 flights of stairs for half an hour. The boxes were only about 40 pounds and a few years ago i could do an activity like this all day with no pain whatsoever.So my back was already bothering me as it has done for a long time now but i lifted all the boxes while using affirmations like 'your back is ok' etc and straight after the lifting a lightening bolt of pain took over my low back and the fear and anxiety over the pain took over.

    Eric) an affirmation like my back is ok is not the affirmation you want at this time. true sarno tells it like it is- but you have to decondition yourself here with affirmations like im calm, relaxed, at peace, and patient- stick to short affirmations or one word affirmations like peace, then imagine you feel the peace running through your body- see we have to say affirmations to calm our over sensitized nerves. you cant fight the pain by phsical activitys, sarno said in his last book to wait till the pain is gone. so your line of defense is calming the sensitization and facing those repressions.

    Max2094)- I am affected mentally like this over the pain as in the past every bad spasm i have had never really settles and seems to leave me with a stronger intensity of chronic pain. Its as if the chronic pain level is 'topped up' and its extremely hard to tell myself 'you're fine' relax when thats the last thing i feel like.

    Eric) see you said you were affected mentally- well thats where the pain is coming from and thats where you have to go to work.
    when thats the last thing you feel max, its pointing you in that direction to do those calming affirmations you dont want to do
    the mechanism thinks its helping you by not letting you think this is right. show it you are right and do them then youll see.
    make it a point to do the journaling and the affirmations on purpose.

    Max2094)- I am reacting to what my past experiences with the pain are and i think thats a natural response.

    Eric) reacting to past experiences is not a natural response if you want to heal. those past reactions is what got you into pain to start with.

    Max2094)- Back goes into spasm, Im left with more pain and discomfort once it settles... How could i not react with fear to that??I am now even seeing a psychotherapist that is familiar with Sarno to help me through this but so far it has not helped.

    Eric) how can you not react to fear, believe sarnos 12 daily reminders on p.82 of healing back pain. its opposite of what youve heard your whole life but its also the way. so practice in pain and discomfert if need be but please practice right- im here after you have done all the above if you need more help.
    sometimes if we cant see the road from the fog its not worth driving ,or so we think- drive on that road and heal

    Max2094)- I commented on this post because of what Eric said about doubt.... I have tried to let all my fear go, I have tried to resume sport and exercise only to be struck down with more disabling pain. Pain that comes after activity and physical strain....Not stress or mental strain

    Eric) you cant let the fear go without reprogramming your mind with good affirmations like kehoe has and sarnos reminders are affirmations too.
    dont do the sports and activitys till the pain resides a lot or is gone- its not time to exercise anything but your belief system.

    Max2094)- So Eric what was your physical diagnosis before you beat your tms? How did you overcome those fears we must all have about an 'injury' when we first learn of tms?

    Eric) i had a disorder called spondeolithesis- its like nothing now. i also had csi or chronic strain injury- it was all from my repressions and tensive thinking-learn mindfulness and awareness, learn to see the beuty in all of life, your inner self needs comforting- now comfort it ok.
    i over come all those fears by doing what im telling you max

    Max2094)- Im asking this as right now while im hurting this bad i know deep down despite the fact that the doctors dont think the disc bulge could cause this much pain, Part of me has not yet truly accepted the tms diagnosis 100%.

    Eric) accept the diagnosis. even when you move and feel physical pain know its from the repressions and fear, anger and tensive thinking
    work on calming these issues and you will be on your way to a healing.

    Max2094)- This comes from the pain and how relentless it is. If it had improved even slightly with all the tms work iv'e done then i would push on with confidence, But right now my confidence is not good. I appreciate any ideas/advice? Thanks

    Eric) tell me max, what tms work have you done and we can go from there ok. your just missing a peice of the puzzle thats all.
  6. Max2094

    Max2094 New Member

    Thanks for your reply Eric, It has helped clear some things up in my mind.
    So a few months back I did a 30 day journalling and reading tms program that I purchased online. It had a dvd to watch, a book to read and a 30 day journalling book.
    The hard part was running out of stuff to write about and just not getting the writing part. This led to me feeling like nothing much was happening and after the 30 days I felt no better and kinda didnt expect to either as the writing felt too forced.
    So right now im not really doing too much as far as a 'program' goes. Im seeing a psychotherapist that helps to go over past trauma or repressed negative emotions. This is also kinda odd for me as I have had a good life in many ways and am not aware of what im repressing. I am however a worrier, Perfectionist and quite tense so what most would say a perfect tms personality.

    So as I said im finding it hard to write everyday or stick to any 'program' as when I try I feel like im not doing it right and loose confidence. I also experience flare ups with my pain and this just adds to my confusion and I get lost with all the different advice.
    I know I need to be doing more but for keep getting stuck after trying one thing for a few days, Then try another and end up no better..
    Thanks again for your advice Eric I hope I can get where you are now one day with beating tms.
  7. Eric "Herbie" Watson

    Eric "Herbie" Watson Beloved Grand Eagle

    hello max good to hear from you. glad all is a little clearer
    1. max it takes a lot longer than 30 days friend- this is for the long haul
    2. youll have some great improvement in about 3-6 months according to your conditioning
    3. see you just got to recondition the thought patterns now
    4. get sarnos 1 book and read just 1 post at a time and do the program for at least 4 months
    5. Have full belief that your going to heal, if not you wont
    6. The running out of stuff to talk or write about is from tensive thinking that has been programmed
    7. Just reprogram with the above protocol and dont learn from to many sources- itll just take longer cause the conditioning wont set
    8. dont loose your confidense, pick it back up and walk forth- your confidence is the twin to faith.
    9. we all stumble a minute when we first start but if you believe and stay with the program - it could be 2 months i dont know your conditioning
    10. and if i did it still has to do with when are you going to full believe the tms diagnosis and protocol
    11. heres a pointer if you study 1 program at a time as sarnos book healing back pain , youll have all you need then to move on to more study if you wish- remeber to learn the meanings to awareness and mindfullness-
    12. do the tmswiki structural program too, youll learn tons about your condition ok
    13. acceptance is just as it sounds, accept the good- forget the rest but its so much more
    14. Get a the menaing to acceptance too ok- and remeber to let these truths sink into your mind over and over till you feel good practicing them - then do it till you heal
    15. let it sink in then do the above and you will be where im at cause thats what i do- (the above)-......
    16. then youll learn that you have another tecnique learned - modeling

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