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How do you start exercising again?

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by G.R., Feb 21, 2013.

  1. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    It a beautiful windy day here on the east coast.

    I use to exercise and walk and even run at least five times a week. Now, with the sciatic
    pain I am challenged. I am really missing it. I use to walk about an hour a day with some
    running in there. Now I am walking about five blocks but just maybe three to four times a
    week. I go whether I have pain or not. I am very thankful to do that because in Dec.
    I could not walk one block.

    I am reading Steve O's book and that really seemed to help reading how he was always pushing
    against the pain.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I would very much appreciate it
  2. Leslie

    Leslie Well known member

    How about trying even shorter walks every day, or super short walks multiple times a day? Maybe go around the block twice a day for a week, then up it to 2 blocks and so on while you build your confidence and your ability to push through the pain. Also I would include some music that you really enjoy, you'll be so focused on enjoying the music your brain won't have be able to focus on the pain.
  3. Anna1

    Anna1 Peer Supporter

    When I just started working out again, I put on Sarno's audio-book Healing Back Pain and/or I would really focus on emotions. I would tell the pain to *&@!%$#^% off.
    Within a month I started running again, which I hadnt done for 17 years... And I still am. Sometimes the pain comes back, and I always treat it the same way: I repeat the 12 principles, I listen to the audio book, I write about my emotions.

    Good luck!!
  4. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    Thank you!!
    Did you still work out even if you have the pain?

    I am a runner to and I have not run since last spring. I just started back to the gym yesterday. I walked about four gym size laps on the track not
    all at once but that was great for someone who had to sit every 5 minutes they were walking. I am on my way now to the gym.

    When the pain comes back does it last long or have you really trained yourself through the principles, audio book and writing about your
    emotions? Any specifics would be great.

    Thank you,
  5. Anna1

    Anna1 Peer Supporter

    Hi G.R., I definitely run through the pain. When I have the courage, I even come down on my left knee extra hard, as a way to tell my unconscious that I don't believe it can do any harm. I know it's extreme, but it works. Two runs ago I had a hell of a run. I was feeling negative, I was in a lot of pain. But I just continued. Especially my knee was hurting. Afterwards the pain in my knee was less, and two days later (yesterday) and today I had no pain in my knee at all while running.

    Two months ago my ankle started to hurt during running. It became worse and worse and I started to feel so down... Until I realized I should run! And focus on the anger and just run through the pain. Then it went away rather quickly. Being careful is THE RECIPE for recurring pain for me. So I should definitely not be careful. I'm quite convinced that conquering the fear of moving and pain is even a bigger thing in getting rid of TMS than focusing on emotions. Although it does go together. Steve O's book really gave me extra courage after reading Sarno. Whenever I feel scared, I start reading it again...
    Bernard likes this.
  6. Leslie

    Leslie Well known member

    You may be right Ruth. My TMS is primarily in my upper body. I found that when I stopped babying my upper body. stopped "modifying" certain exercises to favor a particular area, the pain would move, just lie you described with your knee and your ankle. When I stopped focusing on my upper body the pain now shows up in my leg. Now I'm even more convinced it's not physical and I'm pushing through it too.
    Anna1 likes this.
  7. G.R.

    G.R. Well known member

    Leslie and Ruth,
    This really encourages me. Thank You. I feel like I need to saturate myself with these stories over and over again.

    I think fear factor is what started this whole TMS thing. What if fear sends a message to the subconscious that you are
    in a weakened state so now you can take advantage and send more pain and symptoms. I believe fear also increases
    the automatic nervous system and continues this cycle of pain.

    One thing this has definitely taught me is to slow down and enjoy life more. It has definitely helped me re-evaluate my
    work and what I want to do in my future.

    Enjoy Life and the Beauty of this Day,
    Bernard and EricMd like this.
  8. Bernard

    Bernard Peer Supporter

    Ruth - it's really very useful to hear of you methods
    Leslie - i agree with you that for me - it was fear that started the cycle off. My mother is a very tense and somewhat neurotic lady and has suffered from bad back pain ever since she gave birth to my sister and I. I was conditioned that backs were weak and that they needed to be treated very carefully and that once damaged they could remain that way indefinitely.
    So at the age of 21 - at a time of huge stress at Uni finals, long term relationship ending, friends moving town - i started getting back pain and then immediately panicked, panicked panicked. I went of the deep end with it. Then the doctors told me i had a "deformed" spine and i would have to start getting used to the pain and lack of mobility. It wouldn't go away.

    It's taken me years to come to Sarno and I am still locked in fear..... but I am starting to move again, little by little. Challenging my false assumptions!

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