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How do you deal your depression & loneliness.

Discussion in 'Community Off Topic' started by mugwump, Dec 14, 2020.

  1. mugwump

    mugwump Well known member

    In these pandemic days, I know that some of you are dealing with depression & loneliness. If you belong to them? Can you share it with us?
  2. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I use two techniques for depression that work well and fairly quickly:

    1) aerobic exercise (Anything that gets your heart pumping. Lots of recent research on effectiveness.)
    2) gratitude journal (Write down at least 3 things you are grateful for each day. Many apps for the phone for this. Helps train your brain to look for the positive instead of our usual way of looking for the negative.)

    Loneliness is more difficult for me. Maybe others will comment.
    Balsa11 and PsychePsyche like this.
  3. mugwump

    mugwump Well known member

    Thanks for responding. I'm really grateful and thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it.
  4. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I just read some research on the importance of gut health in mental health and cognitive functioning. They recommend using "psychobiotics" which are pre and probiotic supplements. So I started taking these today to see if they will help my mood and brain fog. I don't think they can do any harm and aren't that expensive.
    Balsa11 likes this.
  5. mugwump

    mugwump Well known member

    Nice! I love reading research and some random articles as well. I found this one yesterday and It's actually interesting, try checking this out https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7458054/ (Prevalence of depression during the COVID-19 outbreak: A meta-analysis of community-based studies) I hope it will get your interest as well :)
  6. mugwump

    mugwump Well known member

    Lately, I'm feeling okay. Thank you so much, Ellen. Your words are healing me :)
  7. fewjoram

    fewjoram Peer Supporter

    Good to hear that from you, mugwump. :)
  8. mugwump

    mugwump Well known member

    Thanks, fewjoram. How about you? Are you feeling great?
  9. fewjoram

    fewjoram Peer Supporter

    Trying hard because it's NEw Year....new HOPE ... Happy New Year everyone.
    PsychePsyche likes this.
  10. PsychePsyche

    PsychePsyche New Member

    In my perspective, depression, and loneliness are primarily the result of lacking the interpersonal skills required to create and maintain relationships. If you have shoulders to cry on and ear to listen for sure depression and loneliness have no room in your life.
    Balsa11 likes this.
  11. mugwump

    mugwump Well known member

    You're exactly right there, PsychePsyche. This is one of the major reasons why people get depressed easily.

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