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How do I dive deeper into repressed memories?

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Ready2heal, Dec 25, 2022.

  1. Ready2heal

    Ready2heal New Member

    I've been on this journey for 2-3 weeks and have been journaling everyday.

    The other night in my dreams I uncovered 2 repressed memories.

    I wrote about them the next day. The memories themselves are only mildly painful, but it feels like they may be leading me to something deeper that is yet to be uncovered. Or maybe they aren't related to anything meaningful and this is just a sign that I've tapped my unconscious. I just don't know.

    Has anyone else had this experience? If so, can you offer any tips for continuing to pull at this thread?

    Thank you!
    Carrie_A likes this.
  2. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    My opinion is, is that you can not tap into unconscious or subconsciousness. You can tap into buried conscious memories and patterns, but it takes time. They, like some feelings are hidden or forgotten to protect you (and other reasons). I found that awareness and continued general explorations worked far better than to hyper focus and stress on digging one hole over and over. Honestly, that process gave me a lot of stress. What did work much better was to look for patterns that occurred in my life, and how that patterns of others shaped my personality and habits. This was gold and helped me understand and forgive others, to see shared experience of what we all deal with in our own ways, how those things shaped my own personality and what I can do about that aspect of my life. Gradually by just being aware, dots connected over time in a gentle, stress free manner. I found this a less emotional and more “ah, ha” type of experience. Sometimes things will also just jump up and slam you with rather cathartic realization in a very revealing and emotional way.
    Forcing is striving: a tms personality trait. Approaching this work with a calm, curious disposition is breaking yet another pattern.
    Carrie_A, Theresaann and Ellen like this.
  3. Theresaann

    Theresaann New Member

    I've personally found Internal Family Systems (IFS) to be tremendously effective and readily applicable to practicing without needing the support of a coach or therapist. Sometimes through people may need support to do this work if they are really protected. There are a lot of videos on youtube describing this process.
    Carrie_A likes this.

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