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Hip impingement

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by gx92, Mar 8, 2023.

  1. gx92

    gx92 Peer Supporter

    Hello has anyone eyperience with hip impingement ? I got 2 small bones in both hip which results in limitied range of motion, also i got pain in them since im working out my legs more since 2 month. Does it scream tms or is hip impingement a different Story? Doctor said i should not do any deep Pressung movements :banghead:
  2. Bananas00

    Bananas00 Peer Supporter

    Hi! I was just diagnosed with this... any update on your end? They are talking to me about surgery..
  3. CaptivaLady

    CaptivaLady Peer Supporter

    My understanding is that this is a "normal abnormality". As long as critical disease has been ruled out, I would dedicate the foreseeable future to approaching your pain experience through the lens of TMS. If you continue to seek diagnoses, you will get them. And rarely do those solutions truly alleviate the pain long-term.
    gx92, JanAtheCPA and Bananas00 like this.
  4. Bananas00

    Bananas00 Peer Supporter

    i kinda agree with that. The only thing is that my hip pain seems to be related to a "bone-on-bone" situation which hurts everytime I move even simple walking... doctor told me that since I am a very active person and into competitive sports, hip degradation happened faster considering my structural issue. MEH. It worries me a lot since everything I used to be able to do, like a simple yoga child's pose is now impossible due to the intense pinching pain in my groin area. It is very worrisome being young and unable to even walk my dog without feeling pain in my hip :(
    gx92 likes this.
  5. CaptivaLady

    CaptivaLady Peer Supporter

    Doctors use a lot of phrasing that is deeply harmful to our minds. Bone-on-bone is not a synonym for pain. There are tons of people with bone-on-bone joints that do not experience pain. There are tons of people with perfect scans (ME!) that have experienced crippling, 10/10 pain. You have nothing to lose from assuming you are a person who has a joint in which bones are touching each other, but who also does not have to experience any related pain. It is not only probable, but likely that you can be free from the pain and resume activity. The fact that you are here tells me that a part of your mind knows this already.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  6. Bananas00

    Bananas00 Peer Supporter

    I am here because I've experienced TMS many times since I am young and ended up healing with the TMS approach haha. but it is actually the first time that they find something really structurally wrong. The doctor did use "bone-on-bone" which gave me this mental image and I now feel the bones rubbing one aginst the other everytime I move, with this mental image lol. I havent really found anyone who cured themselve with a TMS approach for such a structural problem... my other issues were really common: pelvic pain, joint pain, back pain...
  7. Cactusflower

    Cactusflower Beloved Grand Eagle

    My friend used a combination of TMS like approaches (she follows Lorimer Mosley’s theories) and alternative physical therapy to heal from bone on bone hip issues.
    She has considered if they are 100% tms. In her mind, mentally & emotionally, yes - they are. But the life long physical patterns of tension return for her, temporarily without her other methods. In combination, she was able to avoid surgery. I know many other people like my mother whose double hip replacements 100% changed her life. Does she still have tms? Yes, but in different places. Placebo? Perhaps, but who knows?
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  8. Bonnard

    Bonnard Well known member

    I suggest being extra careful here. By separating this out from the other times you've had success (over many years and for many different types of pain--pelvic pain, joint pain, back pain), you might be feeding the worst that TMS has to offer....feeding that doubtful part of the brain that is creating the distraction.

    You could be setting up this belief that this is not TMS unless you can find a success story from someone who had exactly what you had. TMS symptoms will change to another part of the body to keep the distraction working, to keep you focused on the physical, rather than the emotional and repressed stuff, etc.
    JanAtheCPA and CaptivaLady like this.
  9. CaptivaLady

    CaptivaLady Peer Supporter

    I agree with Bonnard 100%!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  10. gx92

    gx92 Peer Supporter

    hi i might be a bit late, wasnt active anymore, did you resolve it? You did say that you were able to do these poses before without pain, these bone shapes were already there since you were born. so this makes no sense that they suddenly cause pain. i am in the same boat

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